Dr. Grzegorz Staszczak (Institute of High Pressure Physics / PL), Dr. Szymon Grzanka (Institute of High Pressure Physics / PL), Ewa Grzanka (Institute of High Pressure Physics / PL), Dr. Julita Smalc-Koziorowska (Institute of High Pressure Physics / PL), Grzegorz Targowski (TopGaN Ltd / PL), Professor Iza Gorczyca (Institute of High Pressure Physics / PL), Dr. Grzegorz Muzioł (Institute of High Pressure Physics / PL), Anna Kafar (Institute of High Pressure Physics / PL), Professor Piotr Perlin (Institute of High Pressure Physics / PL), Professor Czesław Skierbiszewski (Institute of High Pressure Physics / PL), Professor Tadeusz Suski (Institute of High Pressure Physics / PL)
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