Paediatric neurosurgery - Tumour
Does the intraoperative assessment of site of origin of medulloblastoma allow for a tailoring of the neurosurgical strategy? Data from a retrospective single-center assessment and proposal of a prospective multicenter study
Comprehensive characterization of B7H3 expression in adult and pediatric brain tumor entities, highlighting medulloblastoma as a highly B7H3-Expressing tumor
A comparative analysis of epidemiologic, clinical characteristics and long-term outcomes between pediatric and adult meningiomas clinical: A SEER database study
Preoperative language mapping in children – A systematic review
Long-term outcome following urgent and emergent surgery in children with tumor-related intracranial hypertension and cerebral herniation: A monocentric study
Clinical symptoms and surgical outcome of colloid cysts of the third ventricle: A multicenter retrospective study
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