Comparative analysis of the morphology of intracranial aneurysms
Technical aspects of SEEG limitations and solutions using the Leksell Vantage frame
Autofluorescence imaging of fresh brain tumor tissue samples with a medical confocal laser scanning endomicroscopy system
Predictability of lesion locations in left-sided brain tumor patients with impaired proper name retrieval
Intraoperative optical imaging (IOI) allows a specific functional tractography of motor, sensory and visual tracts
Correlation of a novel Anatomical Functional Aphasia Screening (AFAS) with cortical and subcortical lesion locations in left-sided brain tumors
Topographic mapping of the primary sensory cortex with intraoperative optical imaging
Comparing CT and MRI-Based localization in DBS surgery: An analysis of clinical outcomes
Activation outside the canonical olfactory brain leads to odor sensations
Long-term outcome following urgent and emergent surgery in children with tumor-related intracranial hypertension and cerebral herniation: A monocentric study