Hydrocephalus and Paediatric Neurosurgery – Various 1
Characterising late shunt non-response in iNPH: Predictive factors and disease course over a 10-Year follow-up period
CT-guided epidural blood patching for the treatment of spontaneous intracranial hypotension
Development of 3D printed interactive training models for the placement of external ventricular drainage
Evaluation of neuroendoscopic intraventricular training models
From early gains to long-term varicanes: Assessing shunt surgery impact on idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus
Vascular risk factors in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus: frequency and effect on outcome after shunting
Transient hydrocephalus following resection of brain metastasis located in the posterior fossa: Incidence, risk factors and the necessity of perioperative external ventricle drainage placement
Surgical anatomy in spinal CSF leaks – Treatment of spontaneous intracranial hypotension revisited
The LMQ 20 questionnaire – A potential outpatient follow-up tool for iNPH patients treated with shunt placement
Non-invasive MRI measurements in idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Persistent enlargement of ventricular system in patients with posttraumatic hydrocephalus after severe TBI. Only chronic underdrainage?
Palliative CSF drainage in leptomeningeal metastasis: An analysis of surgical and survival outcomes in ventriculo-peritoneal shunt vs. Rickham reservoir patients
Low-Dose cranial CT for assessment of ventricular width (and beyond)
Intravenous dislocation of a ventriculo-atrial shunt – Case report of a rare complication
Effect of lesions of the cerebellar nucleus fastigii on attention and frontal cortical activity in rats
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