Evaluation of neuroendoscopic intraventricular training models
Sebastian Senger (Homburg a. d. Saar), Magomed Lepshokov (Homburg a. d. Saar), Gabriel Colombani (Homburg a. d. Saar), Thomas Tschernig (Homburg a. d. Saar), Guiseppe Cinalli (Neapel / IT), Joachim Oertel (Homburg a. d. Saar)
A structured surgical education has become more and more important over the last years. Intraventricular neuroendoscopic procedures have been widely established. However, the training of the surgical skill with these techniques are crucial for young residents due to the potential harms to the adjacent tissue. Therefore, we evaluated two different training models.
Participants in two different international workshops were trained on a prefixed cadaver model and on a living murine intrabdominal model. Crucial neuroendosopic techniques like membrane perforation and tissue biopsy were performed. A blinded questionnaire evaluated both models.
Sixty-three participants were trained on the animal model. Forty of these trained on the cadaver model in addition. The training effect was evaluated almost equally with 8.5/10 for the animal and 8.9/10 for the cadaver model. The tissue properties were rated higher regarding realism in the animal model whereas the anatomic learning effect was rated higher in the cadaver model.
The animal model is a valid alternative to cadaver models for teaching endoscopic neurosurgical skills. This model benefits from the simulation of a real surgery regarding tissue properties including bleeding simulation. The low costs and availability makes it more ubiquitous available and can help to train further generations of neurosurgeons.
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