Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Perioperative body weight development after intracranial neurosurgical procedures of different complexity and subcutaneous transmitter implantation in neuroscience rat models
Metabolome profile in cerebrospinal fluid and serum of patients with diffuse glioma
Using a three-tone auditory oddball paradigm to investigate processing of auditory stimuli in rats
Effect of lesions of the cerebellar nucleus fastigii on attention and frontal cortical activity in rats
Monitoring of heart rate and activity for severity assessment in the unilateral and bilateral 6-OHDA rat Parkinson model
Perioperative body weight development after intracranial neurosurgical procedures of different complexity and subcutaneous transmitter implantation in neuroscience rat models
Hearing loss in adult rats leads to cognitive deterioration in visuospatial attention and reduced ultrasonic vocalization during social interaction
Complexity of fractal patterns in motor cortical oscillatory activity in rodent models of Parkinson disease
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