(Short) Symposium 49
EFNR strageties on guidelines
09:00 – 09:45
Symposium 48
Contributions of young researchers to advances technology neurorehabilitation
10:00 – 11:30
Industrial Symposium
Industrial symposium
12:00 – 13:00
Plenary lecture and closing
Plenary lecture 5
13:45 – 15:00
(Short) Symposium 35
Predicting motor neurorehabilitation outcome: The MWKNeuroReha study
Symposium 38
Pituitary deficiencies after brain injury – Making an impact in neurorehabilitation
Symposium 43
Mild and severe brain injury
12:00 – 13:30
Workshop 19
Robotic Rehabilitation using the Bionic Yantra device
Symposium 39
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) in neurorehabilitation. An update
Symposium 44
Complex environments for neurorehabilitation – Innovative tools based on the interactions between virtual reality technology and human physiological networks
(Short) Symposium 37
Latin America in the quest for a cost-benefit neurorehabilitation
Symposium 40
Strategies to managing your career as a woman in neurorehabilitation
Symposium 45
Autonomic nervous system
Ask me! Breakfast session 2
Ask me! 1
Symposium 41
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Neurorehabilitation 2022 – Neurorehabilitation and Research in Austria (1)
Symposium 46
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Neurorehabilitation 2022– Neurorehabilitation and Research in Austria (2)
(Short) Symposium 47
Epilepsy and neurorehabilitation
Joint symposium 5
Need for comprehensive stroke care
Joint symposium 6
WFNR and Cochrane Rehabilitation | Recent cochrane systematic reviews – Lessons to be learnt for stroke rehabilitation
Joint symposium 7
Joint symposium AMN Neurotraumatology
Oral communication 5
Oral communictions 6
ePoster self-study
09:00 – 12:00
Opening Industrial Exhibition
08:30 – 15:00
17. Dezember 2022