• Workshop

Dysphagia Course and Workshop
Identification of swallowing disorders (part 1)

Clinical Swallowing Evaluation


Ort / Stream:
Salle Saint Clair 2


As one of the central subjects, this segment covers various aspects of identifying swallowing disorders. Participants will learn about different screening tools, such as water swallow screening tools and multi-consistency screening tools, that aim to identify at-risk patients. The instructors will discuss the pros and cons of each screening tool, highlighting their clinical utility.
Clinical swallowing evaluation will be a key focus, providing participants with options and boundaries in assessing swallowing function clinically. They will learn how to identify signs and symptoms, conduct a thorough evaluation, and interpret the findings. In addition, participants will gain insights into the most commonly used instrumental assessment techniques: Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) and Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study (VFSS). The instructors will demonstrate how to use the equipment, explain the procedure and discuss the interpretation of results. Participants will have the opportunity to see videos of FEES and VFSS procedures, deepening their understanding of these instrumental assessments.