Tumour – Vestibular schwannomas 1
Immunohistochemical expression of COX2 in vestibular schwannomas is associated with the infiltration by M2 macrophages, increased proliferation and bigger tumor size
Prediction of radioresistance and early identification of tumor relapse after Gamma-Knife radiosurgery in vestibular schwannomas: A retrospective cohort study
Recovery of post-operative facial palsy after microsurgery (retrosigmoid approach) of vestibular schwannoma
Surgical monotherapy in vestibular schwannoma: The impact of distinct extent of resection grades on long-term tumor control parameters
The role of microsurgery in the first line treatment of vestibular schwannoma: It is all about the odds
Postoperative pneumocephalus after posterior fossa surgeries in the semi-sitting position – Comparison of intracranial air collections and clinical outcome according to the surgical approach by means of voxel-based volumetry
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