Eberhard Karls Universität
Postoperative pneumocephalus after posterior fossa surgeries in the semi-sitting position – Comparison of intracranial air collections and clinical outcome according to the surgical approach by means of voxel-based volumetry
Automated detection of facial palsy severity using convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
The role of microsurgery in the first line treatment of vestibular schwannoma: It is all about the odds
Postoperative pneumocephalus after posterior fossa surgeries in the semi-sitting position – Comparison of intracranial air collections and clinical outcome according to the surgical approach by means of voxel-based volumetry
Voxel-based analysis of the hemorrhage risk after stereotactic and robotic brain biopsies
Improving facial palsy-specific quality of life: FACE-Q® evaluation of peripheral nerve reconstruction and facial re-symmetization in 66 patients
Automated detection of facial palsy severity using convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
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