Universitätsklinikum Regensburg
Analysis of GC-rich TERT promoter and MGMT methylation status in liquid biopsies – A modified workflow for whole genome amplification for single cells and cell-free DNA
Liquid biopsies in meningioma – plasma cell-free DNA as a potential biomarker for meningioma tumor burden
Analysis of GC-rich TERT promoter and MGMT methylation status in liquid biopsies – A modified workflow for whole genome amplification for single cells and cell-free DNA
Liquid biopsies in meningioma – plasma cell-free DNA as a potential biomarker for meningioma tumor burden
Deep Brain Stimulation in the treatment of therapy-refractory OCD: Real-life experiences from a prospective single-center cohort
Proposal of two different hemodynamic mechanisms involved in the aneurysm genesis based on the parent vessel bifurcation geometry in MCA aneurysms
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