• Abstractvortrag | Abstract talk
  • V012

Analyse des GC-reichen TERT Promoters und des MGMT Methylierungsstatus in liquid biopsies - ein optimiertes Workflow für die Genomamplifikation von Einzelzellen und zellfreier DNA

Analysis of GC-rich TERT promoter and MGMT methylation status in liquid biopsies – A modified workflow for whole genome amplification for single cells and cell-free DNA


Ort / Stream:
Gleis 1


  • Tumor


Liquid biopsies have shown promising results. However, due to low DNA quantity and quality, the methodology needs to be optimized for single cells and cell-free DNA while taking into account the necessities of neuro-oncological molecular pathology, i.e. analysis of GC-rich regions and epigenetic markers. Therefore, we aimed to optimize the Ampli1 Whole Genome Amplification Kit for better amplification of GC-rich regions, combining the method"s advantages of high fidelity, excellent genome coverage and low allelic dropouts with the analysis of GC-rich regions in single cells. Furthermore, we included methylation-sensitive digestion for epigenetic analyses and adapted this method for the use with cell-free DNA.

DMSO and betaine were tested for their improvement in amplification of GC-rich DNA fragments in the Ampli1 WGA protocol. Successful amplification of GC-rich fragments was evaluated by PCR with fragments up to 70% GC and amplicons up to 85% GC. The WGA protocol was modified to allow for addition of the methylation-sensitive Hin6I enzyme in the digestion step. For the adaptation of the protocol to cell-free DNA, an end-repair and dA-tailing step was tested prior to the ligation of a modified adapter to the short cell-free DNA fragments and their subsequent amplification.

Conventional Ampli1 WGA failed to amplify DNA fragments above 60% GC content, while additives enabled the amplification of fragments up to 70% GC and the analysis of amplicons up to 80% GC. The inclusion of methylation-sensitive Hin6I digestion prior to adapter ligation and amplification allows for the analysis of ~ 300K CpG dinucleotides and 72K of the CpG dinucleotides in the Illumina EPIC 850K chip. MGMT methylation status was correctly analyzed in 100% of analyzed single GBM cells and PBLCs. Successful adaptation of the method for cell-free DNA by inclusion of DNA end repair and dA tailing resulted in ~ 2 µg of DNA for further analysis with 1 ng of input.

While existing methods for WGA of single cells perform well for the majority of assays, molecular analysis of certain neuro-oncological alterations in GC-rich regions (TERT promoter) and epigenetic changes are not feasible. With the adaptation of existing methodology, these analyses are possible on both single cells and cell-free DNA. Inclusion of betaine and methylation-sensitive enzymes enable the evaluation of methylation status of up to 300K CpG dinucleotides and genetic analysis of GC-rich regions by PCR and sequencing.