Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Cirq-robotic arm assisted stereotactic biopsy and stereotactic electroencephalogaphy (sEEG) in combination with the Artis Pheno robotic cone-beam CT for image registration
Real-world therapy usage of TTFields in high-grade glioma patients
Clinical characterization of a cohort of metastatic cancer patients with spinal leptomeningeal disease: A descriptive retrospective single-center study
From abstract to publication in a PubMed-indexed journal: Evaluation of the German Spine Society's (DWG) past annual meetings 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022
Preservation of fertility and family planning in patients with low-grade glioma
Surgical treatment of spinal metastases at the thoracolumbar junction – factors influencing surgical decision-making, management, and morbidity according to a multicentric registry
The role of carbon-fiber reinforced PEEK implants in oncologic spine surgery – A multicenter experience on implications for postoperative patient management
Predictive role of intracranial PD-L1 expression in a real-world cohort of NSCLC patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibition following brain metastasis resection
Systemic and local therapies before and after diagnosis of leptomeningeal disease in patients with brain metastases – An explorative, single-center retrospective cohort study
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