The selection of an optimal host organism for heterologous protein production is a critical and challenging aspect of industrial biotechnology. Each host offers unique advantages and limitations that must be carefully considered for efficient enzyme or protein production. To address this challenge, BRAIN Biotech has developed a suite of producer strains, including Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Komagataella phaffii, and Aspergillus niger. Among these, A. niger has emerged as one of the most productive hosts in terms of final product titers, making it an attractive candidate for industrial applications.
This presentation will focus on the strain and process optimization strategies employed to enhance A. niger as a production host. Key advancements include the use of proprietary CRISPR nucleases for targeted genome editing to facilitate the insertion of expression cassettes and the deletion of protease-encoding genes to reduce protein degradation. Additional modifications, such as the deletion of genes influencing viscosity in the fermentation broth, have been implemented to improve process efficiency. Furthermore, process optimization and downstream processing enhancements have been explored to maximize yields and reduce production costs.
By combining cutting-edge genetic engineering techniques with process engineering innovations, we have significantly improved the utility of A. niger as a robust and efficient production platform for industrial enzymes and proteins. This talk will give insights into how BRAIN Biotech utilizes A. niger for the biotechnological production of enzymes and other proteins.
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