  • Oral presentation
  • T68

A Novel Pyruvate Transporter in the Apicoplast of Apicomplexan Parasites


Ort / Stream:
Goethe-Saal & Galerie


Session XI: Mitochondrion & Apicoplast


  • Metabolism, Biochemistry & Drug Development


Pu Chen (Wuhan / CN), Yukun Chen (Wuhan / CN), Ningbo Xia (Wuhan / CN), Bolin Fan (Wuhan / CN), Zhipeng Niu (Wuhan / CN), Zhengming He (Wuhan / CN), Xu Wang (Xiamen / CN), Jing Yuan (Xiamen / CN), Professor Nishith Gupta (Berlin / DE), Professor Bang Shen (Wuhan / CN)


Pyruvate lies at a pivotal node of carbon metabolism in eukaryotes. It is involved in diverse metabolic pathways in multiple organelles, and its inter-organelle shuttling is crucial for cell fitness. Many Apicomplexan parasites harbor a unique organelle called the apicoplast that houses metabolic pathways like fatty acid and isoprenoid precursor biosyntheses, requiring pyruvate as a substrate. However, how pyruvate is supplied in the apicoplast remains enigmatic. Here, deploying the zoonotic parasite Toxoplasma gondii as a model apicomplexan, we discovered two proteins residing in the apicoplast membranes that together constitute a functional apicoplast pyruvate carrier (APC) to mediate the import of cytosolic pyruvate. Depletion of APC results in reduced activities of metabolic pathways in the apicoplast and impaired integrity of this organelle, leading to parasite growth arrest. APC is a novel pyruvate transporter in diverse apicomplexan parasites, suggesting a common strategy for pyruvate acquisition by the apicoplast in these clinically-relevant intracellular pathogens.

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