  • Oral presentation
  • T70

A multitude of small mitochondrial RNAs are used in the mitoribosome of T. gondii


Ort / Stream:
Goethe-Saal & Galerie


Session XI: Mitochondrion & Apicoplast


  • Cell Biology


Sabrina Tetzlaff (Berlin / DE), Zala Gluhic (Berlin / DE), Nikiforos Drakoulis (Berlin / DE), Dr. Arne Hillebrand (Berlin / DE), Sascha Maschmann (Berlin / DE), Susann Wicke (Berlin / DE), Professor Christian Schmitz-Linneweber (Berlin / DE)


The mitochondrial genome of T. gondii is made up of 21 sequence blocks that are found in various combinations. It comprises merely three protein-coding genes, alongside a set of thirty to forty genes encoding small RNAs (sRNAs), many of which exhibit homologies to rRNA from E. coli. The expression status and integration of these short RNAs into ribosomes remains unclear and direct evidence for active ribosomes within apicomplexan mitochondria is still lacking. We conducted small RNA sequencing on the apicomplexan Toxoplasma gondii to investigate the occurrence and function of mitochondrial sRNAs. We find that many small RNAs originated from the junction sites between sequence blocks in the mitochondrial genome. Surprisingly, such block border sRNAs were incorporated into polysomes together with canonical rRNA fragments and mRNAs. In conclusion, apicomplexan ribosomes are active within polysomes and are indeed assembled through the integration of sRNAs, including previously undetected sRNAs with merged mRNA-rRNA sequences. Our findings lead to the hypothesis that T. gondii's block-based genome organization enables the dual utilization of mitochondrial sequences as both messenger RNAs and ribosomal RNAs, potentially establishing a link between the regulation of rRNA and mRNA expression.

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