Rump Session

Rump Session 3
Quantum technologies and integrated photonic circuits with nitrides


Ort / Stream:
Salon Moskau



Quantum technologies enable the development of new science fields such as secure data transmission and quantum computing. Nitrides offer a material basis with unique properties which can be combined with established growth and fabrication technologies. Generation of high-quality narrow band single photons at room temperature is a goal pursued by scientist for a long time. However, on-chip integration of these sources into photonic circuits replacing large optical setups is actually required for a low-cost widely used application of this technology. In the rump session we’ll discuss the state of the current materials and technologies, their integration into highly useful devices and crucial aspects for realizing various applications in quantum cryptography and quantum computing.

Panelists include experts in GaN-based nanostructures, BN materials and applications, single-photon emission and detection, and concepts and technologies for photonic integration, not only in the nitrides but in the whole field of semiconductor quantum photonics.


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