  • Poster presentation
  • P-II-0579

In silico identification of potential inhibitors against Galectin-3-Binding Protein: A potent Key factor for glioma progression


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Structural Proteomics


In silico identification of potential inhibitors against Galectin-3-Binding Protein: A potent Key factor for glioma progression


  • Structural Proteomics


Rashmi Rana (New Delhi / IN)


Glioma account for the majority of the brain tumors worldwide. Glioblastoma is one of the most lethal type of Gliomas. The treatment of the brain tumor is greatly dependent on the stage of its detection. Galactin-3-binding protein (LGALS3BP) protein serves as a novel circulatory biomarker for the detection of glioma at an early stage. This protein is also responsible for metastasis, proliferative signalling, angiogenesis and immune system evasion in case of brain tumors. Inhibition of LGALS3BP can help in reduction of metastasis and progression of the disease. Currently there are no drugs available which can completely treat glioma, hence in this study we have virtually screened large number of drugs from database of National Cancer Institute, USA against LGALS3BP followed by induced fit docking and molecular dynamics simulations. We found that on the basis of the binding free energy calculations using MMPBSA three compounds 627861 (-16.69 kcal/mol), 329090 (-13.66 kcal/mol), 627855 (-10.01 kcal/mol) were best when compared with the co-crystallised ligand taken as control (-9.58 kcal/mol). After extensive computational analysis we can conclude that these three molecules 627861, 329090 and 627855 can be the potential inhibitors of LGAL3SBP and form the basis of the treatment of the brain tumor. The structural scaffolds of these molecules can also lead to the optimization of better compounds against LGALS3BP in future. Although In-vitro and In-vivo studies are required before concluding any potential beneficial effects of these compounds against the glioma

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