• Collaborative Session

Collaborative Session
CAMERA: Health economics in diagnostic imaging – bridging access, cost, and investment


Ort / Stream:
Room Rio



Enhancing diagnostic imaging access in LMICs requires understanding diverse healthcare environments, but also a thorough comprehension of their economic context. A medical device must demonstrateefficacy, accessibility, reasonable costs, and sustainable operation tailored to the region. Scalability iscrucial for wider implementation and investment. Open-source imaging technologies play a vital role inimproving availability for LMICs.
This session sheds light on economic challenges and growth opportunities in accessing MRI/imagingtechnologies in Sub-Saharan Africa/LMICs. Experts in health economics and open-source MRI will deliver engaging talks, including an 8-minute presentation and three 20-minute talks. A 20-minute panel discussion follows, enabling further exploration and insights.