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WCNR 2022
Posters on the topic "Movement disorders"
P 016
Perceived daily hand-use 6-months post stroke is strongly correlated to motor and functional abilities and to independence in daily living
Samar Assadi Khalil (Tel Aviv/ IL)
P 086
Perutrbation-based balance training in stroke patients
Lena Gneist (Klagenfurt/ AT)
P 087
The impact of the functional status and the level of paresis on the appearance of pathologies in the shoulder on the affected side
Małgorzata Cisowska-Adamiak (Bydgoszcz/ PL)
P 088
Surface EMG-based weakness distribution analysis for upper limb muscles after stroke
Wenwen Lv (Yantai/ CN)
P 102
OnabotulinumtoxinA treatment and physician and patient satisfaction in patients with spastic hemiparesis from ASPIRE
Gerard E. Francisco (Houston, TX/ US)
P 122
Real-World Clinical Utilization Differences of OnabotulinumtoxinA and AbobotulinumtoxinA in Upper Limb Spasticity
Anand Patel (Rome/ IT)
P 148
Essential Tremor patients suffer from visuomotor adaptation deficits
Elinor Tzvi-Minker (Hamburg/ DE; Leipzig/ DE)
P 149
The benefit of dance therapy in parkinson's disease rehabilitation. An overview
Bianca Oana Pîrlog (Cluj-Napoca/ RO)
P 150
Movement intention influences segmentation: A kinematic pointing task study in patients with genetic degenerative ataxias
Lucas Pignon (Bron/ FR; Saint-Genis-Laval/ FR)
P 151
Efficiency of supervised vestibular rehabilitation in a unilateral vestibular hypofunction
María Consuelo Calvo-Garcia (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria/ ES)
P 152
Sensory deficits in adults living with hemiparetic cerebral palsy and their impact on upper limb use during unconstrainted bilateral tasks
Isabelle Poitras (Quebec/ CA)
P 153
Post-Cardiac arrest hypoxic myoclonus: a rare case of lance-adams syndrome
Bryan Leonard Quizon (Quezon City/ PH)
P 154
Management of hemifacial spasm by botulinum toxin in neurorehabilitation: Outcome and customer satisfaction
Abderrazak Hajjioui (Fez/ MA)
P 155
Myasthenia gravis rehabilitation in the context of polypathology
Adriana Sarah Nica (Bucharest/ RO)
P 156
Disability to work in a group with vestibular disorder, with supervised treatment. Descriptive study
María Consuelo Calvo-Garcia (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria/ ES)
P 157
An umbrella review of the evidence investigating the effectiveness of falls prevention interventions for people with stroke, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease
Nicola O'Malley (Limerick/ IE)
P 158
Audit of compliance with Lycra® splinting for dystonia within an orthotics service
Rebecca Walters (London/ GB)
P 159
Physiotherapy of low back pain in the subacute phase
Elena Ziakova (Bratislava/ SK)
P 160
Functional movement disorders. A clinical case report
Juan Manuel Pozo Alegre (Pamplona/ ES)
P 161
Case of cerebellar ataxia and pharmacological management
Amra Saric (Halifax/ CA)
P 162
Diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome type 1 in patients with corticobasal degeneration: A case report
Kyung Hee Do (Seoul/ KR)
P 163
The use of Intensive Visual Stimulation in a patient with writer"s cramp – Case report
Jelka Jansa (Ljubljana/ SI)
P 165
Reading difficulties in people with Parkinson's disease - Examining possible underlying visual and cognitive impairments
Iris van der Lijn (Huizen/ NL; Groningen/ NL)
P 172
Effect of conventional rehabilitation therapy on motility, gait and balance in advanced Parkinson's disease patients treated with Levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel – A case series study
Ioana Stanescu (Cluj-Napoca/ RO)
P 176
Manual dexterity and activities of daily living of people with Parkinson's Disease; difficulty and meaningfulness
Noa Cohen (Haifa/ IL; Bnei Brak/ IL; Tel Aviv/ IL)
P 180
Reaction times monitorization for safe driving on neurodegenerative diseases patients
Laura Valenzuela López (Pozuelo de Alarcón/ ES)
P 193
Functional tests for evaluation of nanotechnology Taopatch neurorehabilitation efficiency in patients with Multiple sclerosis
Dimitar Maslarov (Sofia/ BG)
P 224
Retropulsion – A frequent postural problem in neurorehabilitation
Klaus Jahn (Bad Aibling/ DE; Munich/ DE)
P 235
Efficacy of Physiotherapy in the Prevention and Treatment of Neuropathy by Chemotherapy: A Systematic Review
Amanda Cyntia Lima Fonseca Rodrigues (Curitiba/ BR)
P 300
Effect of classical massage of the neck and shoulder girdle on changes in QEEG recordings
Agnieszka Wisniowska-Szurlej (Rzeszów/ PL; Budy Głogowskie/ PL)
P 346
Back to the floor for an economic way of verticalisation using Rota-Therapy
Bettina Hutterer (Vorchdorf/ AT)
P 452
Rehabilitation of patients with bell's palsy in the conditions of real clinical practice
Kamil Magomedov (Saint-Petersburg/ RU)
P 454
Interdisciplinary Approach -Pain Management and Healing a Polytrauma by Rolling and Crushing of Inferior Limbs
Adriana Sarah Nica (Bucharest/ RO)
P 537
Functional MRIand gait analysis characteristics in patients with idiopathic rem sleep behavior disorder
Elisabetta Sarasso (Milan/ IT)
P 551
Does a Virtual Postural Threat Change Standing Balance and Peripheral Reflex Activity in Children With Cerebral Palsy? – A Case-Control Pilot Study
Rebecca Winter (Zurich/ CH)
P 554
The role of Virtual Reality in rehabilitation of Balance in post-Stroke patients: a pilot study
Giorgio Maggioni (Gattico-Veruno/ IT)
Chiara Vellata (Gattico-Veruno/ IT)
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