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WCNR 2022
Posters on the topic "Motor neurorehabilitation"
P 003
Physical Therapist Postural Assistance after Stroke and Underlying Motor Control Strategies
Sarah Schwab (Cincinnati, OH/ US)
P 010
Effect of Innovative versus Usual Care Physical Therapy in Subacute Rehabilitation after stroke: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
Marianne Sivertsen (Tromsoe/ NO; Bodoe/ NO)
P 011
Dissociation between lower limb motor recovery and control of standing balance early poststroke – First results from a repeated-measurements cohort study
Jonas Schröder (Wilrijk/ BE)
P 018
Cognitive function associated with unaffected hand function in patients with subcortical stroke
Young-Ah Choi (Incheon/ KR)
P 022
Comparative discriminative and predictive validity of fall-risk assessments at inpatient discharge post stroke
Prudence Plummer (Boston, MA/ US)
P 024
Toward the Promotion of Task-Sensitive Postural Control Patterns in Individuals with Chronic Stroke
Sarah Schwab (Cincinnati, OH/ US)
P 026
Balancing internal and external validity of upper limb motor recovery trials
Emily J. Dalton (Melbourne/ AU)
P 033
Upper Extremity-Cognitive Dual-Task Assessment; Comparing Individuals Post Stroke to Healthy controls
Yishai Bachar Kirshenboim (Tel Aviv/ IL)
P 036
Neurorehabilitation for stroke patients beyond the 6 months: are there any significant improvements in the chronic phase?
Jorge Alegre (Madrid/ ES)
P 054
Effects of Telerehabilitation Using a Dance program on Trunk Control and Balance in Patients with Stroke
Jung-Hyun Yang (Mulgeum-eup/ KR)
P 060
Effects of Exercise Preconditioning on Neuronal Ferroptosis in the Infarcted Border Region of Rat with Ischemic Stroke
Mudan Huang (Guangzhou/ CN)
P 061
Lower-Extremity Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy Improved Motor Function, Functional Mobility, and Walking Ability after Stroke
Ingela Marklund (Umeå/ SE; Karlstad/ SE)
P 065
Standardization and validation of the Czech version of Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Revised Second Version in stroke survivors
Hana Haltmar (Olomouc/ CZ)
P 066
Co-designing a Post-Stroke Physical Activity Intervention – Evaluating the Co-design Process and Stakeholder Engagement
Natalie Fini (Parkville/ AU)
P 071
The Musical Walk for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation
Wen Fen Beh (Kuala Lumpur/ MY)
P 073
Correlation between Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) and walking ability in stroke patients following rehabilitation program
Athina Maria Nella (Athens/ GR)
P 075
Muscle Activation Using Contralateral Upper Limb Diagonal Movements As Irradiation In Patients With Hemiplegia: A cross sectional Study
Suvarna Ganvir (Ahmednagar/ IN)
P 078
Effectiveness of therapy with a whole-body-vibration device in combination with conventional physiotherapy compared to exclusively conventional physiotherapy in terms of balance in stroke patients
Markus Schrott (Klagenfurt/ AT)
P 084
Correlation between change in motor impairment and functional ability in response to upper limb exercise-based therapy after stroke: A systematic review with meta-analysis
Canan Yüksel (Norwich/ GB)
P 089
Physiotherapy intervention protocol to improve gait speed for stroke in the chronic phase – Case Study
Hugo Santos (Cascais/ PT)
P 094
The effect and dosage of bilateral versus unilateral or conventional upper limb training programs in acute and subacute stroke survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Annemie Spooren (Diepenbeek/ BE)
P 095
Aquatic Therapy – A medium used to regain postural control and balance in patients after stroke
Tina Primschitz (Vienna/ AT)
P 097
Which are the most frequently injected muscles in patients undergoing treatment with abobotulinumtoxinA for lower limb spasticity in routine practice? Baseline data from the AboLiSh study
Jorge Jacinto (Estoril/ PT)
P 099
Improved Disability and Quality of Life Outcomes in Hemiparetic Patients with Upper and Lower Limb Spasticity from Etiologies Other Than Stroke Treated with OnabotulinumtoxinA: Insights from the Adult Spasticity International Registry (ASPIRE) Study
Gerard E. Francisco (Houston, TX/ US)
P 101
Feasibility data of different German questionnaires collecting information on comprehensibility and severity of three treatment-relevant symptoms of disabling spastic movement disorder after stroke
Klemens Fheodoroff (Hermagor/ AT)
Jörg Wissel (Berlin/ DE)
P 103
Time duration to determine the optimal dose of botulinum toxin for the treatment of involuntary muscle hyperactivity in neurological disorders – Data analysis based on a botulinum toxin patient registry
Michaela M. Pinter (Krems/ AT; Horn/ AT)
P 110
Algo-dysfunctional syndrome in a patient with congenital spastic tetraparesis
Adriana Sarah Nica (Bucharest/ RO)
P 120
Combination of Botulinum Toxin with Rehabilitation for Spasticity Management: A case series
Khalid El Youbi (Rabat/ MA)
P 121
Extracorporeal Shock Waves Therapy protocol in post-stroke triceps surae spasticity: A pilot randomised controlled trial
Carlotta Sola (Reggio Emilia/ IT)
P 141
Can EMG identify traces of polio engagement in muscles perceived as healthy in patients with late effect of polio?
Waleed Alnajjar (Gothenburg/ SE)
P 143
Effect of rehabilitation on clinical outcome and motor synergies in chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy
Miryam Mazzucchelli (Monza/ IT; Carate Brianza/ IT)
P 145
Central stability training in a case of sensory ataxia in the context of Sjögren's Syndrome: A case study
Hugo Santos (Cascais/ PT)
P 150
Movement intention influences segmentation: A kinematic pointing task study in patients with genetic degenerative ataxias
Lucas Pignon (Bron/ FR; Saint-Genis-Laval/ FR)
P 153
Post-Cardiac arrest hypoxic myoclonus: a rare case of lance-adams syndrome
Bryan Leonard Quizon (Quezon City/ PH)
P 157
An umbrella review of the evidence investigating the effectiveness of falls prevention interventions for people with stroke, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease
Nicola O'Malley (Limerick/ IE)
P 158
Audit of compliance with Lycra® splinting for dystonia within an orthotics service
Rebecca Walters (London/ GB)
P 159
Physiotherapy of low back pain in the subacute phase
Elena Ziakova (Bratislava/ SK)
P 160
Functional movement disorders. A clinical case report
Juan Manuel Pozo Alegre (Pamplona/ ES)
P 166
Effect of aquatic therapy on balance from a postural control model in people with parkinson disease. Systematic review and meta-analysis
Michael Jhonatan Leal Loaiza (Manizales/ CO)
P 181
MuSic Moves – Co-creating a music-supported exercise programme with and for people with multiple sclerosis
Bernhard Fasching (Vienna/ AT)
P 189
Die Auswirkungen von Rumpfstabilitätstraining auf das Gleichgewicht bei Patient*innen mit Multipler Sklerose
Ines Hochreiter (Klagenfurt/ AT)
P 207
Effect of Practice Intervention with Somatosensory Stimulation on Upper Extremity Functions in Individuals with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury
Sakshi Dhar (New Delhi/ IN)
P 212
Body representations after spinal cord injury: A longitudinal control-case study
Sébastien Mateo (Lyon/ FR; Saint-Genis-Laval/ FR)
P 217
Recovery phase rehabilitation for spinal cord injury in the public rehabilitation center in Japan
Naohisa Kikuchi (Chiba/ JP)
P 218
Effect of transcranial direct surrent stimulation with gait training in individuals with spinal cord injury
Wanalee Klomjai (Phutthamonthon/ TH)
P 222
Distinguishing phenotypes of independent walkers after stroke based on the arm swing pattern during gait: A proof-of-concept study
Anke Van Bladel (Ghent/ BE)
P 223
Effects of an adapted Arm Ability Training
on subjective and objective performance in everyday life in people with stroke: A comparative study
Annika John (Heidelberg/ DE)
P 224
Retropulsion – A frequent postural problem in neurorehabilitation
Klaus Jahn (Bad Aibling/ DE; Munich/ DE)
P 225
Motor Imagery and Action Observation on Motor Learning in Healthy Individuals and Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Zorica Suica (Rheinfelden/ CH)
P 226
Are pneumatic splints beneficial in the treatament of the hemiplegic upper extremity in post-stroke patients? A randomized and controlled pilot study
Alicia Hernando Rosado (Madrid/ ES)
P 227
Meta-analytical study of the effectiveness of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
Ana Belén Calvo Vera (Salamanca/ ES)
P 228
Mental chronometry for assessing Motor Imagery ability in people with Parkinson's Disease
Marcos Moreno-Verdú (Madrid/ ES)
P 229
Measuring the effect of rTMS therapy on wrist spasticity and motor function in chronic stroke subjects using an objective device
Wala Mahmoud (Tuebingen/ DE)
P 230
Stroke survivor's feedback preferences from wearable sensors
Marika Demers (Los Angeles, CA/ US)
P 231
Different Motor Evoked Potential Responses and Treatment Outcomes after Repetitive Transcranial Stimulation Treatment in Post-stroke
Peng-Ta Liu (Taichung/ TW; Changhua/ TW)
P 232
Effects of hand rehabilitation in post-stroke patients using the Biometrics device
Agnieszka Wisniowska-Szurlej (Budy Głogowskie/ PL; Rzeszów/ PL)
P 233
Neurorehabilitation and percutaneous myofasciotomy – A promising way back to life!
Tillmann Susanne (Bad Aibling/ DE)
P 235
Efficacy of Physiotherapy in the Prevention and Treatment of Neuropathy by Chemotherapy: A Systematic Review
Amanda Cyntia Lima Fonseca Rodrigues (Curitiba/ BR)
P 236
Effects of a individualized home-based cognitive-multisensory-physical exercises program on dual-task performance on people with dementia
Eduardo Villamil-Cabello (Fuenlabrada/ ES)
P 237
Immediate Effect of Motor Imagery on the Quality of Movement with a Paretic Upper Extremity in Stroke Survivors: A Series of Case Studies
Markéta Kovářová (Olomouc/ CZ)
P 238
Assessing differences in the ability to generate motor images between climbers and non-climbers athletes
Ana Isabel Useros-Olmo (Madrid/ ES)
P 239
Differences in learning capacity and motor consolidation between sports subjects (aerobic and overload) and sedentary subjects belonging to the University of Santiago de Chile
Javier Silva García (Santiago/ CL)
Daniel Toro Maechel (Santiago/ CL)
Isidora Bais Flores (Santiago/ CL)
Valentina Moraga Bravo (Santiago/ CL)
P 240
HEG Neurofeedback in of post-stroke hand rehabilitation
Mariusz Drużbicki (Rzeszów/ PL)
P 241
The assistive potential of Functional Electrical Stimulation on the paretic upper limb in patients after stroke – A case report
Chiara Höhler (Bad Aibling/ DE; Munich/ DE)
P 242
Time to reconcile research findings and clinical practice on upper limb neurorehabilitation
Leonardo Boccuni (Badalona/ ES; Bellaterra/ ES)
P 243
Characterization of stroke-related upper limb motor impairments across various upper limb activities by use of kinematic core set measures
Anne Schwarz (Zurich/ CH)
P 244
Contribution of eye movements in physical & neurological medicine of rehabilitation
Zoi Kapoula (Paris/ FR)
P 245
Kinematic and muscle impact of a bio-mimetic assistance with a lower limb exoskeleton in MS and NMD patients during overground walking
Amalric Ortlieb (Lausanne/ CH)
P 246
Functional electrical stimulation for correction of dropped foot in adults with cerebral palsy: A service evaluation
Rebecca Walters (London/ GB)
P 247
Stroke: What's in a belief? Limb paralysis as a result of poor patient's value function for action at this novel, exceptional post stroke state of absent kinesthetic evidence
Andromachi Salacha (Elefsis/ GR)
P 248
Restoration of motor function after CNS damage: Is there a potential beyond spontaneous recovery?
Volker Dietz (Zurich/ CH)
P 249
Physical Activity Based on Daily Step-count in Inpatient Setting in Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury Patients in Subacute Stage: A cross-sectional observational Study
Brigitte Mischler (Basel/ CH)
P 250
Cognitive ecological test of san pellegrino terme
Marcello Simonini (San Pellegrino Terme/ IT)
P 251
A correlation analysis between shoulder active and passive range of motion and upper limb muscle strength in subjects with hemiparesis
Héctor Cancio-Donlebún Blanco (Oviedo/ ES; Madrid/ ES)
P 252
Recovery of mobility skills for non-ambulant adults after acquired brain injury: An observational study
Simon Mills (Daw Park/ AU; Adelaide/ AU)
P 253
The use of BIMEO with acute stroke patients
Jelka Jansa (Ljubljana/ SI)
P 254
Acoustic characteristics of stop consonants in words in native Kannada speakers with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)- A window to decision making in dysarthria Rehabilitation
Atchayaram Nalini (Bangalore/ IN)
P 255
Shoulder girdle strength and sensory integration in upper limb function in spinal cord injury by ependymoma – Case study
Isabel Baleia (Cascais/ PT)
P 256
Changes in sensorimotor capacity of stroke survivors during neurorehabilitation
Sebastian Günnel (Bischofswiesen/ DE)
P 257
Immediate Effect of Motor Imagery on a Functional Movement by an Upper Extremity in the Image of Surface Electromyography and Angular Velocity in Stroke Survivors: A Pilot Study
Miroslav Haltmar (Olomouc/ CZ)
P 258
Tailoring interventions for meaningful client outcomes using a decision-making aid for upper limb neurorehabilitation: A multiple-case study series
Amelia Tan (Brisbane/ AU)
P 259
Balance training - focused on central stability and trunk control – For gait in a elderly stroke survivor: A case study
Hugo Santos (Cascais/ PT)
P 260
Experience of incorporating hardware technologies with biofeedback (BFB) and rhythmic peripheral magnetic stimulation into complex rehabilitation of patients with fine motor disorders in the early recovery period of stroke
Kseniya Lupanova (Moskow/ RU)
P 261
Constraint induced movement therapy through telerehabilitation in upper limb function recovery after stroke
Arlette Doussoulin (Temuco/ CL)
P 262
Effect of using the motor imagery model on sports practice with upper extremity in adapted sports
Carlos Medina Riaño (Cali/ CO)
P 263
Applying Developmental Movement Principles in the Rehabilitation of Brain Injury Patients in the Chronic Stage of Recovery
Steve Cairns (Bristol/ GB)
P 264
Upright alignment of the trunk is impaired during walking in adults after acquired brain injury
Simon Mills (Daw Park/ AU)
P 265
Brachial plexus palsy radio- induced: A case repport
Asma Elhanafi (Marakesh/ MA)
P 266
Assessment of the impact of a physiotherapy program with the use of an exoskeleton on the functional efficiency and mobility of people with neurological diseases – A pilot study
Agnieszka Wisniowska-Szurlej (Budy Głogowskie/ PL; Rzeszów/ PL)
P 267
Evolution of balance in a patient after stroke, with intervention aimed at upper limb function
Isabel Baleia (Cascais/ PT)
P 281
Delicate technologies of rehabilitation for FRAILTY-syndrome patients with dementia
Ekaterina Vyazgina (St. Petersburg/ RU)
P 307
Effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation for treatment of dysphagia in acute stroke patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Shuji Matsumoto (Mito City/ JP)
P 334
Fatigue of the elbow muscles during repetitive voluntary contractions in children and adolescents with spina bifida
Ana Claudia Mattiello-Sverzut (Ribeirão Preto/ BR)
P 339
rthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita in pediatric age: Correlation between
cular MRI and functional
valuation (AMUSE), towards a biomechanical model
Alicia Milot (La Tronche/ FR)
P 344
Effects of a mixed aerobic-strength training for long-distance wheelchair-users pediatric patients with spina bifida: a randomised crossover trial
Ana Claudia Mattiello-Sverzut (Ribeirão Preto/ BR)
P 350
The effects on gait in children after treatment with Botulinum Toxin A in combination with controlled dynamic stretching orthotics
Lieske van der Stam (Berlin/ DE)
P 351
Pilot study to observe the change in independence in everyday life through intensified wheelchair mobility training in wheelchair-dependent children
Lieske van der Stam (Berlin/ DE)
P 352
Congenital idiopathic facial paralysis – What to expect and the role of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Sofia Ribeiro (Braga/ PT)
P 388
Physiotherapy in a patient with post-covid myopathy and post-internment in the ICU: Case study
Hugo Santos (Cascais/ PT)
P 413
Anthropometric nutritional profile of patients entered into the adult neuroreabilitation program of the centro catarinense de Reabilitação/ Brazil
Scheyla Paula Bollmann Oleskovicz Nogueira (Florianópolis/ BR)
P 453
Low back pain in young office workers: does posture matters?
Giedrė Vaičienė (Kaunas/ LT)
P 462
Pain management of a complex hand trauma and rehabilitation program – Case presentation
Adriana Sarah Nica (Bucharest/ RO)
P 500
The Speed Precision ObsTacle courSe (SPOTS): A new measurement tool for high-level walking for people with central neurological disorders
Vanessa Janssens (Pellenberg/ BE)
P 505
Give me chance: What 18 month of inpatient neurorehabilitation can do to alliviate severe chronic deficits in young patients with acquired brain injury
Mareike Schrader (Berlin/ DE)
P 506
Development of an audit checklist for
per Limb TRaining and Assessment
ing (UL-TRAck) in patients with stroke and spinal cord injury in clinical settings
Urvashy Gopaul (Toronto/ CA)
P 514
Rehabilitation outcomes at discharge from Staged Community-Based Brain Injury Rehabilitation in Western Australia, 2011-2020 (ABI-RESTaRT)
Lakkhina Troeung (Perth/ AU)
P 526
Gait and motor recovery in early subacute ischemic stroke patients after intensive rehabilitation
Barbora Kolářová (Olomouc/ CZ)
P 533
Does the change of corticospinal tract shape reflect motor function recovery: Diffusion tensor imaging study
Sung-Bom Pyun (Seoul/ KR)
P 538
Relationship among subjective difficulty, brain activity, and postural balance during a repetitive postural control task
Ken Kumai (Tokyo/ JP)
P 539
Focal Muscle Vibration Decreases Motor Cortex Activation: An fMRI Case Study
Esma Nur Kolbaşı (Istanbul/ TR)
P 541
Fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (fALFF) alterations in stroke patients induced by Tuina (Chinese massage): A resting-state fNIRS study
Mengchai Mao (Shanghai/ CN)
P 548
Can movement kinematics reveal amelioration of apraxic deficits by augmented reality cueing?
Joachim Hermsdörfer (Munich/ DE)
P 555
Evaluation of a virtual reality in motion driving simulator in patients with acquired brain injury (OTsDA project): A proof-of-concept cross-sectional study
Pedro Amalio Serrano López-Terradas (Madrid/ ES)
P 556
Results of rehabilitation in patients with balance disorders after stroke using virtual reality
Maria Mozheiko (Minsk/ BY)
P 566
Virtual Reality in sensorimotor rehabilitation and therapy compliance
Thomas Saur (Düsseldorf/ DE)
P 570
Telehealth neurologic music therapy effects motor rehabilitation in children with autism: A pilot feasibility study
Nicole Richard (Nashville, TN/ US; Toronto/ CA)
Jessica Teich (Toronto/ CA)
Julia Kowaleski (Toronto/ CA)
P 602
First results from a usability pilot test of a lower-limb exosuit on chronic stroke patients
Stefano Doronzio (Florence/ IT)
P 604
Effects of Rehabilitation Using a Forearm Mobility Robot to Improve Upper Limb Function in Patients with convalescent poststroke hemiplegia
A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled, Parallel Group Trial
Shuji Matsumoto (Mito City/ JP)
P 605
New frontiers in gait rehabilitation: Moonwalker
Daniele Emedoli (Padua/ IT; Milan/ IT)
P 607
Comparing functional outcomes, dosage and manpower utilisation in robotic exoskeleton training in inpatient neurological rehabilitation
Nur Shafawati Kamsani (Singapore/ SG)
P 609
Error enhancement improving arm motor recovery in individual with sub-acute stroke
Tamar Moyal (Haifa/ IL)
P 611
Impact of Repeated Treatment by Modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy Combined with Robotic Training in A Chronic Stroke Patient with Severe Upper Limb Paralysis
Yuki Uchiyama (Nishinomiya/ JP)
P 612
Preliminary rehabilitation results of the use of ATLAS 2030 paediatric exoskeleton with children with neuromuscular and neurological conditions
Elena Garces (Alcalá de Henares/ ES; Rivas Vaciamadrid/ ES)
P 615
Decoding multiple naturalistic same-hand movements from the non-invasive neuromagnetic (MEG) measurements
Ivan Zubarev (Espoo/ FI)
P 616
Feasibility and practicality of whole-arm brain/neural exoskeleton-enabled stroke neurorehabilitation
Annalisa Colucci (Berlin/ DE)
P 617
Assessing the impact of assistive hand exoskeletons on bimanual tasks in severe stroke with the Berlin Bimanual Test for Stroke (BeBiTS)
Mareike Vermehren (Berlin/ DE)
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