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WCNR 2022
Posters on the topic "Early neurorehabilitation"
P 002
Self-perceived mobility in the first year after mild stroke – A comparison between Very Early Supported Discharge and ordinary discharge routine. Part of the Gothenburg Very Early Supported Discharge (GOTVED) study
Anna Danielsson (Gothenburg/ SE)
P 009
Embodiment, tailoring, and trust are important for co-construction of meaning in physiotherapy after stroke. A qualitative study
Marianne Sivertsen (Bodoe/ NO; Tromsoe/ NO)
P 027
Patient-centered goal-setting in very early supported discharge with continued rehabilitation after stroke
Lena Rafsten (Gothenburg/ SE)
P 032
Synergistic Effects of Family Members as Caregivers after Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke in Jeju: A Cohort Study in Jeju, Korea
Jong-Kook Rhim (Jeju-si/ KR)
P 038
Current physiotherapy practices in the acute and early sub-acute phase after stroke in low- and middle-income countries: an observational prospective study in Benin
Elogni Renaud Amanzonwé (Diepenbeek/ BE)
P 045
Physical therapist compliance in the initial and final evaluations with FSS-ICU and berg scales in patients with stroke: Audit at clínica alemana temuco
Michelle Young (Temuco/ CL)
P 049
Influence of cognitive impairment on the result of early neurorehabilitation in patients after stroke
Tadeja Hernja Rumpf (Maribor/ SI)
P 077
Physical activity levels in hospitalized stroke patients: Systematic Review
Hugo Santos (Cascais/ PT)
P 091
Effect of no-heat ultrashortwave therapy on expression of HSP-70 and ultra microstructure of neurons after cerebral ischemia reperfusion in rats
Jing Yin (Zhuhai/ CN)
P 096
Embedding and sustaining Neurologic Music Therapy on a busy inner city hyper acute stroke unit to improve patient experience and early neurorehabilitation outcomes
Daniel Thomas (Ross on Wye/ GB)
P 106
Early detection of spasticity in acute post-stroke patients
Katharine A. Scarlat (Montreal/ CA)
P 126
The Diaschisis: A Rehabilitation target for traumatic Central Nervous System injuries?
Michel Fataki Likale (Sion/ CH)
P 139
Predictors of sleep disordered breathing in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1: Potential role for sleep rehabilitation
Atchayaram Nalini (Bangalore/ IN)
P 196
An Unusual Clinical Presentation of Multiple Sclerosis and Benefits of Individually-Designed Rehabilitation: A case report
Dimitar Maslarov (Sofia/ BG)
P 202
The trajectory of serum levels of glial fibrillary acidic protein within four weeks post-injury is related to neurological recovery during the transition from acute to chronic spinal cord injury
Iris Leister (Salzburg/ AT; Murnau/ DE)
P 256
Changes in sensorimotor capacity of stroke survivors during neurorehabilitation
Sebastian Günnel (Bischofswiesen/ DE)
P 260
Experience of incorporating hardware technologies with biofeedback (BFB) and rhythmic peripheral magnetic stimulation into complex rehabilitation of patients with fine motor disorders in the early recovery period of stroke
Kseniya Lupanova (Moskow/ RU)
P 325
Neurorehabilitation after traumatic brain injury and the relevance of a tracheostomy for long-term outcome
Katrin Rauen (Zurich/ CH; Munich/ DE; Bad Aibling/ DE)
P 337
Type of matured pincer grasp and fine motor development in preterm children at the age of 3-4 years
Rajeswari Muthusamy (Chennai/ IN)
P 354
Abscondment of children with cerebral palsy from physiotherapy clinics in Southwest, Nigeria
Faderera Adepoju (Ibadan/ NG)
P 363
ReCOVer study
: A Cross-sectional Observational
to Identify the Neuro-
habilitation Needs in Post-discharge
ID-19 Survivors
Raktim Swarnakar (New Delhi/ IN)
P 367
Does COVID-19 impact on patient outcomes during inpatient rehabilitation?
Emma Reilly (Liverpool/ GB)
P 378
Occupational therapy and covid-19: Most frequent environmental modifications for returning home. Multicenter study
Melania Ron (Buenos Aires/ AR; Villa Devoto/ AR)
P 384
The neurological burden of a severe SARS-COV-2 infection in a young patient
Ioana Șelariu (Cluj-Napoca/ RO)
P 393
Evaluation of ReSPECT (Recommended summary plan for emergency care and treat) documentation in a level 1 inpatient Rehabilitation unit in United Kingdom
Liandra Rams Ramachenderam (Norwich/ GB)
Sunil Ankolekar (Norwich/ GB)
P 412
Evaluation of associated reactions in stroke survivors
Cozens Aiyejusunle (Lagos/ NG)
P 424
Effects of Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Upper Extremity Functions and Brain Activity in Acute Stroke Patients
Oranich Vimolratana (Nakhon Pathom/ TH; Chiang Rai/ TH)
P 448
Mechanism of effect of 641+890nm low-energy laser on diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy
Jing Yin (Zhuhai/ CN)
P 507
Development of a Risk Assessment Tool for Contractures: the ORACLE study
Hina Tariq (Bournemouth/ GB)
P 518
Rehabilitation strategies after surgery of malignant brain tumors
Natalia Ivanova (St. Petersburg/ RU)
Ekaterina Vyazgina (St. Petersburg/ RU)
P 519
Subdural hemorrhage in autoimmune encephalitis: a severe and rare complication with impact on the rehabilitation setting
Luisa Medeiros (Cascais/ PT)
P 520
Breaking Movement: A novel paradigm for rehabilitation of upper extremity after stroke
Rodrigo Garrido Baquedano (Santiago/ CL)
P 521
Effects of visual feedback balance system combined with weight loss system on balance and walking ability in the early rehabilitation stage of stroke
Min Zhang (Lanzhou/ CN)
P 522
Rehabilitation success and potential determinants in Guillain-Barré syndrome – Results from a retrospective clinic-based cohort in Germany
Annette Schmidt (Krefeld/ DE; Witten/ DE)
P 523
OptiNIV – Protocol of a multicenter, parallel-group randomized controlled trial
Thomas Platz (Greifswald/ DE)
P 524
Patients with tracheostomy in a Neurocritical care: clinical profile, post tracheostomy outcomes and secretion management
Vikrant Devgire (Sheffield/ GB)
P 525
Get going After concussIonN Lite (GAIN Lite): A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of an early intervention to reduce impairing post-concussional mild to moderate symptoms in adults
Sedsel Kristine Stage Pedersen (Hammel/ DK)
P 526
Gait and motor recovery in early subacute ischemic stroke patients after intensive rehabilitation
Barbora Kolářová (Olomouc/ CZ)
P 527
Reversible cerebral vasonctriction syndrome as cause of a stroke and rehabilitation outcome – Case report
Amra Saric (Halifax/ CA)
P 530
The "PSS: early ID" application: Interactive features to engage providers in early identification and referral of patients with post-stroke spasticity
Jörg Wissel (Berlin/ DE)
P 531
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: A case report
Emma Lee-Bradbury (Stoke-on-Trent/ GB)
P 532
Diagnostics of mild to moderate neurotrophic disorders as a prevention of neurodegenerative problems
Arman Lurye (Almaty/ KZ)
P 600
Robotic Mobilization in Early Neurorehabilitation: Evaluation of User Experiences
Marion Egger (Bad Aibling/ DE; Munich/ DE)
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