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WCNR 2022
Posters on the topic "Robotics and related technology"
P 074
Error-enhancement as basis for novel upper limb rehabilitation in the chronic phase after stroke: preliminary results of an ongoing 5-day pre-post intervention study
Marjan Coremans (Leuven/ BE)
P 079
The effectiveness of robot-assisted therapy on the upper limb in the early stage after stroke
Joachim Falkner (Linz/ AT)
P 085
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) as a biomarker of cognitive-motor interaction in patients with stroke during robotic evaluations of the upper limb
Franco Molteni (Costa Masnaga/ IT)
P 152
Sensory deficits in adults living with hemiparetic cerebral palsy and their impact on upper limb use during unconstrainted bilateral tasks
Isabelle Poitras (Quebec/ CA)
P 163
The use of Intensive Visual Stimulation in a patient with writer"s cramp – Case report
Jelka Jansa (Ljubljana/ SI)
P 168
Robot-assisted gait training with the "THERA-trainer lyra" with end effector-led steps vs. treadmill-training with visual pre-setted steps with persons with Parkinson's Disease: A randomized controlled pilot-study
Veronika Seidl (Altmünster/ AT)
P 190
Focal muscle vibration prototype during walking Gait Cycle: feasibility and single-case experimental design in patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Alba Prats Bisbe (Badalona/ ES)
P 213
Technological-assisted upper extremity rehabilitation in subjects with incomplete cervical spinal cord injury – Randomized crossover trial
Joonas Poutanen (Helsinki/ FI)
P 220
Management of spinal cord injury at Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre – A retrospective case study
Mari-Liis Ööpik-Loks (Haapsalu/ EE)
Ott Vanem (Haapsalu/ EE)
P 245
Kinematic and muscle impact of a bio-mimetic assistance with a lower limb exoskeleton in MS and NMD patients during overground walking
Amalric Ortlieb (Lausanne/ CH)
P 246
Functional electrical stimulation for correction of dropped foot in adults with cerebral palsy: A service evaluation
Rebecca Walters (London/ GB)
P 253
The use of BIMEO with acute stroke patients
Jelka Jansa (Ljubljana/ SI)
P 327
Difference between the means of the parameters of the spatiotemporal, cognitive and attentional gait tests of patients diagnosed with moderate and severe traumatic brain injury
Blanca Mildred Vazquez Torres (Tampico/ MX)
P 569
Implementation of digital health interventions in rehabilitation: A scoping review
Louise Pearce (Sydney/ AU)
P 592
Effects of high-intensity interval training with robot-assist walking exercise on cardiopulmonary function and gait ability in chronic stroke patients
Min Soo Kang (Seoul/ KR)
P 593
Effects of robotic rehabilitation in patients after spinal cord injury on bladder function
Beata Tarnacka (Warsaw/ PL)
P 594
Robot-based upper limb somatosensory training in chronic stroke: A pilot study
Leen Saenen (Leuven/ BE)
P 595
robot for hand paresis recovery in stroke: Is gold all that shine? A clinical predictive model
Pedro Amalio Serrano López-Terradas (Madrid/ ES; Salamanca/ ES)
P 596
Effects of Robotic-Assisted Gait Training With Automatic Control for Stroke Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies
Dae Yul Kim (Seoul/ KR)
P 597
Effects of end-effector type lower limb rehabilitation robot-assisted gait training in patients with subacute stroke
Dae Yul Kim (Seoul/ KR)
P 598
Effects of End-effector Robot-Assisted Gait Training in Stroke and Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury Patients
Jeehyun Yoo (Gyeonggi-do/ KR)
P 599
ExerG – Adapting an exergame training solution to the needs of older adults using focus group and expert interviews
Zorica Suica (Rheinfelden/ CH)
P 600
Robotic Mobilization in Early Neurorehabilitation: Evaluation of User Experiences
Marion Egger (Bad Aibling/ DE; Munich/ DE)
P 601
Neurophysiological and gait modifications before and after exoskeleton training
Alessandra Del Felice (Padova/ IT)
P 602
First results from a usability pilot test of a lower-limb exosuit on chronic stroke patients
Stefano Doronzio (Florence/ IT)
P 603
Rasch Analysis for Functional Skills Measure After Paralysis (FSMAP) and Tasks in ReoGO-J – Robot for Upper Extremity Exercise
Izumi Kondo (Obu/ JP)
P 604
Effects of Rehabilitation Using a Forearm Mobility Robot to Improve Upper Limb Function in Patients with convalescent poststroke hemiplegia
A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled, Parallel Group Trial
Shuji Matsumoto (Mito City/ JP)
P 605
New frontiers in gait rehabilitation: Moonwalker
Daniele Emedoli (Padua/ IT; Milan/ IT)
P 606
PhiCube, a modular robotic device for bilateral upper-limb rehabilitation, featuring flexible use and tailored assistance for various therapeutical motor gestures
Matteo Malosio (Lecco/ IT)
P 607
Comparing functional outcomes, dosage and manpower utilisation in robotic exoskeleton training in inpatient neurological rehabilitation
Nur Shafawati Kamsani (Singapore/ SG)
P 608
Upper Limb Robotic as Adjuvant to Neurorehabilitation for Acquired Brain Injury Adult Population: A Pilot Study
Norhamizan Hamzah (Kuala Lumpur/ MY)
P 609
Error enhancement improving arm motor recovery in individual with sub-acute stroke
Tamar Moyal (Haifa/ IL)
P 610
Patient acceptance to valuing innovative digital technologies in neurorehabilitation: a discrete choice experiment
Ann-Kathrin Fischer (Neubrandenburg/ DE)
P 611
Impact of Repeated Treatment by Modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy Combined with Robotic Training in A Chronic Stroke Patient with Severe Upper Limb Paralysis
Yuki Uchiyama (Nishinomiya/ JP)
P 612
Preliminary rehabilitation results of the use of ATLAS 2030 paediatric exoskeleton with children with neuromuscular and neurological conditions
Elena Garces (Alcalá de Henares/ ES; Rivas Vaciamadrid/ ES)
P 613
Study of the activity tolerance using the ATLAS 2030 exoskeleton showed by a child with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type II
Elena Garces (Alcalá de Henares/ ES; Rivas Vaciamadrid/ ES)
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