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WCNR 2022
Posters on the topic "Communicative disorders, e.g. Aphasia"
P 072
Alexia without agraphia – An uncommon clinical condition
Adriana Maria Barbosa Pereira (Lisbon/ PT)
P 271
Semantic feature analysis (SFA) and phonological components analysis (PCA) combined with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia (svPPA): a longitudinal single case study
Katharina Strunk (Bielefeld/ DE)
P 301
A multilingual brain does not consist of only one language: Is the multilingualism of the brain ignored in research on aphasia and speech therapy combined with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)?
Harun Kocatas (Bielefeld/ DE)
P 302
Comparison of monolingual and bilingual children with a developmental language disorder
Sabreen NoorAli (Karachi/ PK; Eugene, OR/ US)
P 303
Enhancing Language Skills in Persons with Aphasia with the ELA
-Language Modules
Jacqueline Stark (Vienna/ AT)
P 304
Transient aphasia induced by non-ketotic hyperglycemia
Seungmin Kim (Seoul/ KR)
P 305
Feasibility, Acceptability and Usability of Virtual Biography Work for People with Aphasia
Bianca Spelter (Göttingen/ DE)
P 306
Delayed therapeutic benifit of intensive language action therapt and impairement based therapy in chronic stable aphasia
Apoorva Pauranik (Indore/ IN)
P 328
Assessment of discourse disorders in TBI: Normative data and results of a pilot study in cognitive communication disorders after TBI
Julia Büttner-Kunert (Munich/ DE)
P 345
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
Angelika Rother (Fribourg/ CH)
P 400
Incidence of Developmental Delays in Children with Cleft Lip and Palate
Abdul Malik (Karachi/ PK)
P 490
Рost-stroke aphasia and mobile application "LOGOS"
Dilbar Rasulova (Tashkent/ UZ)
P 567
Practice patterns in self-managed speech-language therapy: Investigating components of cumulative intervention intensity in a real-world mHealth dataset
Claire Cordella (Boston, MA/ US)
P 583
Wearable assistive devices for people with disabilities
Intan Sabrina (Selangor/ MY; Kuala Lumpur/ MY)
P 591
Equivalence, modality use and patient satisfaction of Telepractice Administration of the Scenario-Test in Persons with Primary Progressive Aphasia
Mirjam Gauch (Mainz/ DE)
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