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WCNR 2022
Posters on the topic "Stroke"
P 001
Predicting community ambulation after long-term inpatient rehabilitation using the Berg Balance Scale
Ryuichiro Yamada (Sagamihara/ JP)
P 002
Self-perceived mobility in the first year after mild stroke – A comparison between Very Early Supported Discharge and ordinary discharge routine. Part of the Gothenburg Very Early Supported Discharge (GOTVED) study
Anna Danielsson (Gothenburg/ SE)
P 003
Physical Therapist Postural Assistance after Stroke and Underlying Motor Control Strategies
Sarah Schwab (Cincinnati, OH/ US)
P 004
Telehealth coaching to improve self-management for secondary prevention after stroke: A randomized controlled trial of Stroke Coach
Brodie Sakakibara (Kelowna/ CA)
P 005
Associations between pre-stroke physical activity and health-related quality of life after stroke
Malin Reinholdsson (Gothenburg/ SE)
P 006
Exploring the association between therapist attributes, implementation fidelity and return-to-work outcomes in the Return to Work after Stroke (RETAKE) trial
Katie Powers (Nottingham/ GB)
P 007
The role of LOX-1 in inflammatory activation of microglial under hypoxic-ischemic conditions
Yoshinori Aoki (Miyazaki/ JP; Tokyo/ JP)
P 008
Exploring the perceived impact of Stroke Coach on risk factor control among stroke survivors
Gurkaran Singh (Vancouver/ CA; Kelowna/ CA)
P 009
Embodiment, tailoring, and trust are important for co-construction of meaning in physiotherapy after stroke. A qualitative study
Marianne Sivertsen (Bodoe/ NO; Tromsoe/ NO)
P 010
Effect of Innovative versus Usual Care Physical Therapy in Subacute Rehabilitation after stroke: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
Marianne Sivertsen (Tromsoe/ NO; Bodoe/ NO)
P 011
Dissociation between lower limb motor recovery and control of standing balance early poststroke – First results from a repeated-measurements cohort study
Jonas Schröder (Wilrijk/ BE)
P 012
Assessing advanced balance performance in people with stroke using the Narrow Corridor Walk Test (NCWT)
Longjun Ren (Hong Kong/ HK)
P 013
3D-freehand Ultrasound Technique of Tibialis anterior Muscle Belly Volume in Stroke Patients: A Reliability Study
Fabienne Schillebeeckx (Leuven/ BE)
P 014
Developement of a predictive model of functional outcome of intensive inpatient rehabilitation after stroke
Francesca Cecchi (Florence/ IT)
P 015
Perceived recovery of the affected UE post-stroke
Debbie Rand (Tel Aviv/ IL)
P 016
Perceived daily hand-use 6-months post stroke is strongly correlated to motor and functional abilities and to independence in daily living
Samar Assadi Khalil (Tel Aviv/ IL)
P 017
Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions among Individuals who Experienced Stroke: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study
Isabelle Rash (Vancouver/ CA)
P 018
Cognitive function associated with unaffected hand function in patients with subcortical stroke
Young-Ah Choi (Incheon/ KR)
P 019
The role of intracortical inhibition in motor recovery after stroke
Lina Daghsen (Paris/ FR)
P 020
Predictability of cognitive functions on discharge destination in acute stroke patients
Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen (Gothenburg/ SE)
P 021
Automatic classification of upper limb impairment from resting-state EEG in acute stroke survivors
Michael Lassi (Pisa/ IT)
P 022
Comparative discriminative and predictive validity of fall-risk assessments at inpatient discharge post stroke
Prudence Plummer (Boston, MA/ US)
P 023
Two cases of rehabilitation therapy using immersive VR for chronic stroke patients with improved QOL
Saya Iwasa (Nishinomiya/ JP)
P 024
Toward the Promotion of Task-Sensitive Postural Control Patterns in Individuals with Chronic Stroke
Sarah Schwab (Cincinnati, OH/ US)
P 025
Key Outcomes and Essential Considerations for Physical Activity Measurement Post-Stroke – Towards an International Consensus
Natalie Fini (Parkville/ AU)
P 026
Balancing internal and external validity of upper limb motor recovery trials
Emily J. Dalton (Melbourne/ AU)
P 027
Patient-centered goal-setting in very early supported discharge with continued rehabilitation after stroke
Lena Rafsten (Gothenburg/ SE)
P 028
Quantitative normative upper limb ARAT timing dataset in a large cohort with stroke
Belen Valladares (Zurich/ CH)
P 029
Contribution of personal egocentric spatial reference frame and unilateral spatial neglect on weight bearing asymmetry after a right middle artery stroke. A cross-sectional study
Aurélien Hugues (Lyon/ FR; Saint-Genis-Laval/ FR)
P 030
The precarity of patient participation – A qualitative interview study of experiences from the acute stroke and rehabilitation journey
Marianne Sivertsen (Tromsoe/ NO; Bodoe/ NO)
P 031
Classification of Functional and Non-functional Arm Use by Inertial Measurement Units in Individuals with Upper Limb Impairment after Stroke
Johannes Pohl (Zurich/ CH; Leuven/ BE)
P 032
Synergistic Effects of Family Members as Caregivers after Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke in Jeju: A Cohort Study in Jeju, Korea
Jong-Kook Rhim (Jeju-si/ KR)
P 033
Upper Extremity-Cognitive Dual-Task Assessment; Comparing Individuals Post Stroke to Healthy controls
Yishai Bachar Kirshenboim (Tel Aviv/ IL)
P 034
The effect of a telephone-based intervention on physical activity after stroke
Seungwoo Cha (Seongnam/ KR)
P 035
Stroke survivors' and physiotherapists' opinions and perceptions about the potential of a wearable system designed to facilitate motivation for home exercise
Roland Stock (Trondheim/ NO)
P 036
Neurorehabilitation for stroke patients beyond the 6 months: are there any significant improvements in the chronic phase?
Jorge Alegre (Madrid/ ES)
P 037
Validity and reliability of the Portuguese Version of the Wisconsin Gait Scale
Isabel Baleia (Cascais/ PT)
P 038
Current physiotherapy practices in the acute and early sub-acute phase after stroke in low- and middle-income countries: an observational prospective study in Benin
Elogni Renaud Amanzonwé (Diepenbeek/ BE)
P 039
Impact of comorbidities on inflammation and motor recovery after ischemic stroke
Andrew Clarkson (Dunedin/ NZ)
P 040
Behavior mapping: A protocol for assessing the quality and quantity of physical activity in residential stroke survivors
Pei Ling Choo (Singapore/ SG)
P 041
Stroke Community Rehabilitation Centre (SCORE) Transformation Program
Lydia Abdul Latif (Kuala Lumpur/ MY)
P 042
The effectiveness of cerebellar vermis intermittent theta burst stimulation in improving trunk control and balance function for subacute stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial protocol
Yi Chen (Chengdu/ CN)
P 044
FNIRS and EEG are better methods than neuropsychology scales to evaluate the improvement of cognitive function of PSCI by tDCS
Yinan Ai (Guangzhou/ CN)
P 045
Physical therapist compliance in the initial and final evaluations with FSS-ICU and berg scales in patients with stroke: Audit at clínica alemana temuco
Michelle Young (Temuco/ CL)
P 046
Cost-effectiveness of Cerebrolysin Add-on Treatment for Neurorecovery After Ischemic Stroke
Constantin Radu (Cluj-Napoca/ RO)
Stefan Strilciuc (Cluj-Napoca/ RO)
P 047
Prevalence of Unilateral Neglect in Stroke Patients admitted to a territory health care set up in Mumbai, India
Hitav Someshwar (Mumbai/ IN)
P 048
Identifying the "Know-Do" Gap: Current Practice in Interdisciplinary Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation and Opportunities for Improvement
Joakim Halvorsen (Oslo/ NO)
P 049
Influence of cognitive impairment on the result of early neurorehabilitation in patients after stroke
Tadeja Hernja Rumpf (Maribor/ SI)
P 050
Comparing return-to-work related experiences between participants in an individually randomised trial of Early Stroke Specialist Vocational Rehabilitation versus usual care only
Katie Powers (Nottingham/ GB)
P 051
The Rivermead Mobility Index is the most complete instrument to assess functional mobility in stroke: Scoping Review and Systematic Review
Hugo Santos (Cascais/ PT)
P 052
What are the effects of acute exercise and exercise training on cerebrovascular hemodynamics following stroke? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Kevin Moncion (Hamilton/ CA)
P 053
Alien hand syndrome: when your arm is the worst enemy
Isabel María Pérez Saborido (Málaga/ ES)
P 054
Effects of Telerehabilitation Using a Dance program on Trunk Control and Balance in Patients with Stroke
Jung-Hyun Yang (Mulgeum-eup/ KR)
P 055
Fear of falling, meaningful activity participation and community reintegration among stroke survivors in South-West, Nigeria
Olumide Dada (Ibadan/ NG)
P 056
Barriers and facilitators for physical activity engagement in people with chronic stroke in low-income settings: a cross-sectional study in Benin
Peter Feys (Hasselt/ BE)
P 057
Reliability and validity of the Timed Up and Go Obstacle Test (TUGO) in people with chronic stroke
Shamay S.M. Ng (Hong Kong/ HK)
P 058
Psychometric evaluation of the Lift and Carry Test (LCT) in people with stroke
Shamay S.M. Ng (Hong Kong/ HK)
P 059
A neurotoxocariasis case manifesting multiple cerebral infarction and eosinophilic meningoencephalitis
Seungmin Kim (Seoul/ KR)
P 060
Effects of Exercise Preconditioning on Neuronal Ferroptosis in the Infarcted Border Region of Rat with Ischemic Stroke
Mudan Huang (Guangzhou/ CN)
P 061
Lower-Extremity Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy Improved Motor Function, Functional Mobility, and Walking Ability after Stroke
Ingela Marklund (Umeå/ SE; Karlstad/ SE)
P 062
Goal-setting in stroke: From guideline to implementation
Liselot Thijs (Diepenbeek/ BE)
P 063
Differences in skeletal muscle fibre characteristics in paretic limbs of individuals with stroke via skeletal muscle biopsy: A scoping review
Kenneth S. Noguchi (Hamilton/ CA)
P 064
Improving Quality of Life after Stroke: Aims and Challenges for Neurorehabilitation
Matilde Leonardi (Milan/ IT)
P 065
Standardization and validation of the Czech version of Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Revised Second Version in stroke survivors
Hana Haltmar (Olomouc/ CZ)
P 066
Co-designing a Post-Stroke Physical Activity Intervention – Evaluating the Co-design Process and Stakeholder Engagement
Natalie Fini (Parkville/ AU)
P 067
Exploring Transitional Care Experiences of Stroke Survivors from Hospital to Community Settings
Michelle Yang (Vancouver/ CA; Kelowna/ CA)
P 069
Disordered Breathing during Sleep in Patients with Neurological Disorders
Martina Steinböck (Bad Aibling/ DE)
P 070
Testing the psychometric properties of the Chinese (Cantonese) version of SATIS-Stroke in people with chronic stroke
Hong Pan (Hong Kong/ HK)
P 071
The Musical Walk for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation
Wen Fen Beh (Kuala Lumpur/ MY)
P 072
Alexia without agraphia – An uncommon clinical condition
Adriana Maria Barbosa Pereira (Lisbon/ PT)
P 073
Correlation between Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) and walking ability in stroke patients following rehabilitation program
Athina Maria Nella (Athens/ GR)
P 074
Error-enhancement as basis for novel upper limb rehabilitation in the chronic phase after stroke: preliminary results of an ongoing 5-day pre-post intervention study
Marjan Coremans (Leuven/ BE)
P 075
Muscle Activation Using Contralateral Upper Limb Diagonal Movements As Irradiation In Patients With Hemiplegia: A cross sectional Study
Suvarna Ganvir (Ahmednagar/ IN)
P 076
Live Vs Recorded Music: A Crossover Study using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Wen Fen Beh (Kuala Lumpur/ MY)
P 077
Physical activity levels in hospitalized stroke patients: Systematic Review
Hugo Santos (Cascais/ PT)
P 078
Effectiveness of therapy with a whole-body-vibration device in combination with conventional physiotherapy compared to exclusively conventional physiotherapy in terms of balance in stroke patients
Markus Schrott (Klagenfurt/ AT)
P 079
The effectiveness of robot-assisted therapy on the upper limb in the early stage after stroke
Joachim Falkner (Linz/ AT)
P 080
Blood flow restriction training as a new intervention against muscle atrophy after stroke: A qualtitative research based on expert interviews
Sophie Schnürl (Krems/ AT)
P 081
Posture assessment in stroke
Idam Hajar (Casablanca/ MA)
P 082
Defining severe stroke in neurorehabilitation – A scoping review
Laura Kurze (Lübeck/ DE)
P 083
Augmented Reality and its potential role in neurorehabilitation: a scoping review and pilot trial
Susan Hillier (Adelaide/ AU)
P 084
Correlation between change in motor impairment and functional ability in response to upper limb exercise-based therapy after stroke: A systematic review with meta-analysis
Canan Yüksel (Norwich/ GB)
P 085
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) as a biomarker of cognitive-motor interaction in patients with stroke during robotic evaluations of the upper limb
Franco Molteni (Costa Masnaga/ IT)
P 086
Perutrbation-based balance training in stroke patients
Lena Gneist (Klagenfurt/ AT)
P 087
The impact of the functional status and the level of paresis on the appearance of pathologies in the shoulder on the affected side
Małgorzata Cisowska-Adamiak (Bydgoszcz/ PL)
P 088
Surface EMG-based weakness distribution analysis for upper limb muscles after stroke
Wenwen Lv (Yantai/ CN)
P 089
Physiotherapy intervention protocol to improve gait speed for stroke in the chronic phase – Case Study
Hugo Santos (Cascais/ PT)
P 090
Clinical Characteristics of Chronic Rhinitis Following Stroke
Jae eun Choi (Dae Jeon/ KR)
P 091
Effect of no-heat ultrashortwave therapy on expression of HSP-70 and ultra microstructure of neurons after cerebral ischemia reperfusion in rats
Jing Yin (Zhuhai/ CN)
P 092
Feasibility of real-time telerehabilitation program on motor outcomes in community-living stroke survivors in rural South India
Amreen Mahmood (Manchester/ GB)
P 093
The Implementation of Sex-and Gender-Based Considerations in Individuals with Stroke: A Cross-Sectional Examination of Exercise-Based Randomized Controlled Trials
Elise Wiley (Hamilton/ CA)
P 094
The effect and dosage of bilateral versus unilateral or conventional upper limb training programs in acute and subacute stroke survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Annemie Spooren (Diepenbeek/ BE)
P 095
Aquatic Therapy – A medium used to regain postural control and balance in patients after stroke
Tina Primschitz (Vienna/ AT)
P 096
Embedding and sustaining Neurologic Music Therapy on a busy inner city hyper acute stroke unit to improve patient experience and early neurorehabilitation outcomes
Daniel Thomas (Ross on Wye/ GB)
P 098
Immediate Effect Of Ultra Sound Guided Dry Needling in Spastic Soleus Muscle
Sanjivani Kamble (Pune/ IN)
P 105
Electrophysiological and Clinical Evaluation of the Effects of Anodal Transcutaneous Spinal Direct Current Stimulation (tsDCS) on Upper Extremity Spasticity in Chronic Stroke Patients: A Case Report
Hager Elserougy (6th of October/ EG)
P 107
Is dry needling safe in stroke patients: a scoping review?
Iris Malfait (Leuven/ BE)
P 108
Multi-modal therapy in post-stroke elbow flexor spasticity: utility of botulinum toxin (BoNT) and casting to help hemiparetic gait patterns
Rajiv Reebye (Vancouver/ CA)
P 109
Management of spasticity after stroke: Place of extracorporeal shock waves therapy (ESWT) in LMICs
Abderrazak Hajjioui (Fez/ MA)
P 124
Design of a Global Inter-rater Reliability Study of the Post-stroke Spasticity Referral Tool
Jörg Wissel (Berlin/ DE)
Nabilah Alibhai (Marlow/ GB)
P 125
Predictive value of qEEG measures over the functional outcome of patients undergoing intensive impatient rehabilitation after stroke
Francesca Cecchi (Florence/ IT)
P 127
Standing Behaviors after Stroke Explained by Posturography. Cross-sectional Study of the Subacute Phase
Dominic Pérennou (Echirolles/ FR)
P 131
Lumbar plexus / femoral nerve palsy resulting from Retroperitoneal compartment syndromes (Psoas & Iliacus) – double whammy in stroke patients – Diagnostic & management challenges
Subramanya Adiga (Auckland/ NZ)
P 161
Case of cerebellar ataxia and pharmacological management
Amra Saric (Halifax/ CA)
P 222
Distinguishing phenotypes of independent walkers after stroke based on the arm swing pattern during gait: A proof-of-concept study
Anke Van Bladel (Ghent/ BE)
P 223
Effects of an adapted Arm Ability Training
on subjective and objective performance in everyday life in people with stroke: A comparative study
Annika John (Heidelberg/ DE)
P 226
Are pneumatic splints beneficial in the treatament of the hemiplegic upper extremity in post-stroke patients? A randomized and controlled pilot study
Alicia Hernando Rosado (Madrid/ ES)
P 229
Measuring the effect of rTMS therapy on wrist spasticity and motor function in chronic stroke subjects using an objective device
Wala Mahmoud (Tuebingen/ DE)
P 231
Different Motor Evoked Potential Responses and Treatment Outcomes after Repetitive Transcranial Stimulation Treatment in Post-stroke
Peng-Ta Liu (Taichung/ TW; Changhua/ TW)
P 237
Immediate Effect of Motor Imagery on the Quality of Movement with a Paretic Upper Extremity in Stroke Survivors: A Series of Case Studies
Markéta Kovářová (Olomouc/ CZ)
P 241
The assistive potential of Functional Electrical Stimulation on the paretic upper limb in patients after stroke – A case report
Chiara Höhler (Bad Aibling/ DE; Munich/ DE)
P 242
Time to reconcile research findings and clinical practice on upper limb neurorehabilitation
Leonardo Boccuni (Badalona/ ES; Bellaterra/ ES)
P 243
Characterization of stroke-related upper limb motor impairments across various upper limb activities by use of kinematic core set measures
Anne Schwarz (Zurich/ CH)
P 247
Stroke: What's in a belief? Limb paralysis as a result of poor patient's value function for action at this novel, exceptional post stroke state of absent kinesthetic evidence
Andromachi Salacha (Elefsis/ GR)
P 249
Physical Activity Based on Daily Step-count in Inpatient Setting in Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury Patients in Subacute Stage: A cross-sectional observational Study
Brigitte Mischler (Basel/ CH)
P 251
A correlation analysis between shoulder active and passive range of motion and upper limb muscle strength in subjects with hemiparesis
Héctor Cancio-Donlebún Blanco (Oviedo/ ES; Madrid/ ES)
P 257
Immediate Effect of Motor Imagery on a Functional Movement by an Upper Extremity in the Image of Surface Electromyography and Angular Velocity in Stroke Survivors: A Pilot Study
Miroslav Haltmar (Olomouc/ CZ)
P 259
Balance training - focused on central stability and trunk control – For gait in a elderly stroke survivor: A case study
Hugo Santos (Cascais/ PT)
P 267
Evolution of balance in a patient after stroke, with intervention aimed at upper limb function
Isabel Baleia (Cascais/ PT)
P 293
Using dopaminergic medication to treat hemispatial inattention during in-patient post-stroke neurorehabilitation
Orlando Swayne (London/ GB)
P 297
What are the determinants of tilted writing and drawing after stroke?
Dominic Pérennou (Echirolles/ FR)
P 309
Post-stroke voice problems can lead to poor quality of life, a prospective study using the Voice Handicap Index (VHI)
Sun Im (Seoul/ KR)
P 310
Capsaicin Stimulation in Neurogenic Dysphagia – Clinical Applications and Tolerance
Natalie Schmidtsdorf (Bad Aibling/ DE)
Svenja Blömeke (Bad Aibling/ DE)
P 313
The impact of spasticity and contractures on dependency and outcomes from rehabilitation
Lynne Turner-Stokes (London/ GB)
P 376
Resilience Practices among Individuals with a Broad Spectrum of Physical Disabilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Photo Elicitation Study
Gurkaran Singh (Vancouver/ CA)
P 401
Emergence of multidisciplinary rehabilitation services in developing countries on the example of Georgia
Sopiko Shagidze (Tbilisi/ GE)
Mariam Sopromadze (Tbilisi/ GE)
P 404
Effectiveness of a comprehensive physical activity promotion program among the adults with stroke living in India
Pradeepa Nayak (Manchester/ GB)
P 405
The menace of physical distancing: Lessons learnt from pandemic-appropriate measures to implement environmental enrichment in an inpatient neurorehabilitation setting
Norhayati Hussein (Kuala Lumpur/ MY)
P 407
Evaluation of st
oke rehab
y services in the acute and ear
y subacute phases-
xperience from a tertiary care centre (RIPPLE Study)
Mridul Makkar Bothra (Ludhiana/ IN)
P 409
Physical exercise enhances the purinergic receptors, improves enhances the microglia-neuron junctions and protectes against the ischemic stroke via endocannabinoids signaling
Xiaofei He (Guangzhou/ CN)
P 410
From experiential learning to connectivism: Exploring learning theories to enhance training of hemiplegic care amongst health care providers
Norhayati Hussein (Kuala Lumpur/ MY)
P 411
Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of neurologists towards stroke neuro-rehabilitation in India
Guhan Ramamurthy (Tiruchendur/ IN)
Maria Daniub Juno Rayen (Tiruchendur/ IN)
P 415
The AUREUS Program (Austrian Rehabilitation with Usbekistan Program)
Sevara Jabborova (Unterach/ AT)
P 416
The value of clinical functions in neurorehabilitation – Are all ICF elements equal?
Christin Juhnke (Neubrandenburg/ DE)
P 423
Altered Interhemispheric Inhibition in Adults with Stroke: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis
Ashraf Gerges (Adelaide/ AU)
P 425
MRI-based Personalized Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Upper Limb Function in Patients with Stroke: Study Protocol for a Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial
Hye Jung Park (Gyeonggi-do/ KR)
P 428
Low‑intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulation reduces microglia activation via overexpression of lncRNA-Nespas and inhibition the NLRP3/ASC/Caspase1 pathway in experimental ischemic stroke
Zhongqiu Hong (Guangzhou/ CN)
P 436
Clinical effects of conventional rehabilitation after bilateral stimulation with rtms on upper limb motor recovery after stroke
Francisco José Sánchez Cuesta (Pozuelo de Alarcón/ ES)
P 443
In-silico investigation of the effect of a stroke-affected brain region on tDCS-induced electric fields towards tDCS treatment planning
Jongseung Lee (Seoul/ KR)
P 450
A comparative open label study comparing the efficacy of structured physiotherapy vs non structured physiotherapy in reducing post-stroke spasticity related shoulder pain in patients treated with Botulinum toxin A
Jayanthini Ganeshkumar (Sydney/ AU)
P 455
Characteristics of the pain syndrome in patients with multiple myeloma
Natallia Usava (Gomel/ BY)
P 466
Lateropulsion prevalence after stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Dominic Pérennou (Echirolles/ FR)
P 475
Trainability of affordance-based judgments in patients with right or left hemisphere stroke
Isabel Bauer (Allensbach/ DE; Constance/ DE)
P 476
Boredom in survivors of acquired brain injuries: A scoping review
Pei Ling Choo (Singapore/ SG)
P 477
Evaluation of the upper limb perception after stroke: A prevalence and longitudinal study with the newly developed Affected Limb Perception Questionnaire (ALPQ)
Stephanie Konik (Lausanne/ CH)
P 478
Social cognition and executive functions in stroke patients
Bourlon Clemence (Saint Maurice/ FR)
P 485
Can mindfulness based interventions help in reducing depression among stroke survivors – A systematic review
Mesedah Alnahdi (Riyadh/ SA)
P 488
Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Vertebral Artery Anomalies
Dimitar Maslarov (Sofia/ BG)
P 509
In addition to the functional independence, a rich social network, but not home accessibility, favors home discharge after stationary neurorehabilitation in stroke patients: a retrospective study
Joelle Chabwine (Fribourg/ CH)
P 510
Ultrasound and rehabilitation after stroke
Hanna Dragos (Cluj-Napoca/ RO)
P 516
Nerve transfer of brachialis to anterior interosseous nerve branch in upper motor neuron syndrome: A feasibility study and topographic anatomy
Olga Politikou (Vienna/ AT)
P 520
Breaking Movement: A novel paradigm for rehabilitation of upper extremity after stroke
Rodrigo Garrido Baquedano (Santiago/ CL)
P 521
Effects of visual feedback balance system combined with weight loss system on balance and walking ability in the early rehabilitation stage of stroke
Min Zhang (Lanzhou/ CN)
P 527
Reversible cerebral vasonctriction syndrome as cause of a stroke and rehabilitation outcome – Case report
Amra Saric (Halifax/ CA)
P 534
Recovery of balance and gait after stroke is deteriorated by confluent white matter hyperintensities: Cohort study
Shenhao Dai (Echirolles/ FR)
Dominic Pérennou (Echirolles/ FR)
P 536
Applicability of automated tractography for stroke patients in acute care rehabilitation
Midori Mochizuki (Nishinomiya/ JP)
P 540
Imitation encourages empathic responses toward other individuals with physical disabilities – an fMRI study
Rui Watanabe (Tokyo/ JP)
P 545
The Effect of Monocular Depth Cues on Spatial Perception in Augmented Reality
Julia Kohn (Munich/ DE)
P 549
Co-Creation of an Immersive Virtual Reality Platform (NeuroVirt) for Gamification of Upper Limb Rehabilitation Following Stroke and Exploration of Initial Clinical Outcomes
Alison Watt (Winchester/ GB)
Laura Marriott (Winchester/ GB)
P 552
Effect of balance function training in a virtual environment on post-stroke pain syndrome
Natallia Usava (Gomel/ BY)
P 559
Recovery of gait and posture in immersive VR in patients after stroke
Marina Shurupova (Moskow/ RU)
P 572
Is everybody suitable for telerehabilitation? An assessment
Lukas Wohofsky (Klagenfurt/ AT)
P 578
Chances, Limitations, and Provision of Additional Teletherapeutic Interventions and Apps in Chronic Neurological Conditions
Wilfried Schupp (Fürth/ DE)
P 579
Human centered design for a flexible, multi-professional telerehabilitation system: Results from an initial real-life evaluation within the project REHA2030
Daniela Krainer (Klagenfurt/ AT)
P 592
Effects of high-intensity interval training with robot-assist walking exercise on cardiopulmonary function and gait ability in chronic stroke patients
Min Soo Kang (Seoul/ KR)
P 594
Robot-based upper limb somatosensory training in chronic stroke: A pilot study
Leen Saenen (Leuven/ BE)
P 595
robot for hand paresis recovery in stroke: Is gold all that shine? A clinical predictive model
Pedro Amalio Serrano López-Terradas (Madrid/ ES; Salamanca/ ES)
P 596
Effects of Robotic-Assisted Gait Training With Automatic Control for Stroke Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies
Dae Yul Kim (Seoul/ KR)
P 597
Effects of end-effector type lower limb rehabilitation robot-assisted gait training in patients with subacute stroke
Dae Yul Kim (Seoul/ KR)
P 603
Rasch Analysis for Functional Skills Measure After Paralysis (FSMAP) and Tasks in ReoGO-J – Robot for Upper Extremity Exercise
Izumi Kondo (Obu/ JP)
P 619
Brain-computer interface training in individuals after stroke: A systematic review
Christian Forstinger (Steyr/ AT)
P 623
Stroke Survivors Experience Elevated Levels of Loneliness: A Multi-Year Analysis of the National Survey for Wales
Christopher Byrne (Liverpool/ GB)
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