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WCNR 2022
Posters on the topic "Parkinson‘s disease"
P 149
The benefit of dance therapy in parkinson's disease rehabilitation. An overview
Bianca Oana Pîrlog (Cluj-Napoca/ RO)
P 164
Dissociable internetwork coupling within the cognitive-motor network in Parkinson's disease associated with gait automaticity
Han Gil Seo (Seoul/ KR)
P 165
Reading difficulties in people with Parkinson's disease - Examining possible underlying visual and cognitive impairments
Iris van der Lijn (Huizen/ NL; Groningen/ NL)
P 166
Effect of aquatic therapy on balance from a postural control model in people with parkinson disease. Systematic review and meta-analysis
Michael Jhonatan Leal Loaiza (Manizales/ CO)
P 167
Bladder-sphincter disorders in Parkinson disease: Urodynamic assessment interest?
Zaineb Tahri (Casablanca/ MA)
P 168
Robot-assisted gait training with the "THERA-trainer lyra" with end effector-led steps vs. treadmill-training with visual pre-setted steps with persons with Parkinson's Disease: A randomized controlled pilot-study
Veronika Seidl (Altmünster/ AT)
P 169
How do impairments in social cognition affect the communicative competence of patients with Parkinson's disease?
Julia Royko (Munich/ DE)
P 170
Gut inflammation involvement in the evolution of Parkinson disease patients with device-aided therapies
Cristina Ramona Tase (Constanta/ RO)
Any Docu-Axelerad (Constanta/ RO)
P 171
Short distances can detect impairments in gait automaticity in people with Parkinson's disease: A two-dimensional analysis of movement based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
Matheus Silva d'Alencar (São Paulo/ BR)
P 172
Effect of conventional rehabilitation therapy on motility, gait and balance in advanced Parkinson's disease patients treated with Levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel – A case series study
Ioana Stanescu (Cluj-Napoca/ RO)
P 173
The effects of Telerehabilitation-Based LSVT-BIG versus Telerehabilitation-Based Structured Balance and Mobility Exercise Programme on Functional Recovery in Patients with Parkinson's Disease
Burcu Ersoz Huseyinsinoglu (Istanbul/ TR)
P 175
Does transcranial direct current stimulation of the primary motor cortex improve implicit motor sequence learning in Parkinson's disease?
Mahyar Firouzi (Brussels/ BE)
P 176
Manual dexterity and activities of daily living of people with Parkinson's Disease; difficulty and meaningfulness
Noa Cohen (Haifa/ IL; Bnei Brak/ IL; Tel Aviv/ IL)
P 177
Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Exergames Combined with Dual-Task Components in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: A Feasibility study
Seo Jung Yun (Seoul/ KR)
P 178
Prevalence and nature of self-reported visual complaints in people with Parkinson's disease – Use of the Screening Visual Complaints questionnaire
Iris van der Lijn (Groningen/ NL; Huizen/ NL)
P 179
Clinical experience of using Levodopa/Carbidopa/Entacapone intestinal gel in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease
Any Docu-Axelerad (Constanta/ RO)
Lavinia-Florenta Muja (Constanta/ RO)
P 180
Reaction times monitorization for safe driving on neurodegenerative diseases patients
Laura Valenzuela López (Pozuelo de Alarcón/ ES)
P 228
Mental chronometry for assessing Motor Imagery ability in people with Parkinson's Disease
Marcos Moreno-Verdú (Madrid/ ES)
P 432
Controlled trial on effects of combined rTMS and Perturbation Treadmill Training in Walking Performance in Parkinson's Disease
Fariba Yadolahi (Kermanshah/ IR; Tehran/ IR)
P 445
Is Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) an effective therapeutical alternative in the treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD)-related pain?
Yeray González Zamorano (Madrid/ ES; Alcorcón/ ES)
P 508
Focusing on patient-reported outcomes in deep-brain stimulation – A systematic review
Elinor Tzvi-Minker (Hamburg/ DE)
P 535
Action observation and motor imagery improve motor imagery abilities in patients with parkinson's disease – A functional MRI study
Elisabetta Sarasso (Milan/ IT)
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