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WCNR 2022
Posters on the topic "Degenerative disorders (Alzheimer‘s dementia, etc.)"
P 069
Disordered Breathing during Sleep in Patients with Neurological Disorders
Martina Steinböck (Bad Aibling/ DE)
P 162
Diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome type 1 in patients with corticobasal degeneration: A case report
Kyung Hee Do (Seoul/ KR)
P 169
How do impairments in social cognition affect the communicative competence of patients with Parkinson's disease?
Julia Royko (Munich/ DE)
P 268
mHealth-AD – Training Program for Enhancing the Adoption of Mobile Health Technologies by Persons With Mild Dementia
Svenja Blömeke (Bad Aibling/ DE)
P 270
Promoting Independence in Dementia: A RE-AIM Study of the PRIDE Self-Management App
Abigail Lee (Nottingham/ GB)
P 271
Semantic feature analysis (SFA) and phonological components analysis (PCA) combined with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia (svPPA): a longitudinal single case study
Katharina Strunk (Bielefeld/ DE)
P 272
The beneficial effect of physical activity on cognition and functionality at vascular dementia patients
Eleftherios Stefas (Alexandroupoli/ GR)
P 273
Utility of the Adaptive Cognitive Evaluation Explorer (ACE-X) as a Screening Instrument in Early Dementia
Elia Luca Fischer (Bern/ CH)
P 275
The impact of diabetes mellitus in the respiratory function of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients
Susana Pinto (Uppsala/ SE; Lisbon/ PT)
P 276
Understanding barriers and facilitators to online and app activities for people living with dementia
Abigail Lee (Nottingham/ GB)
P 277
A bibliometric study on the application of grape seed proanthocyanidins in neurological diseases
Shu Wen Yuan (Jinzhong/ CN)
Yi Wei Dong (Jinzhong/ CN)
Xiao Hui Li (Jinzhong/ CN)
Qing Wang (Jinzhong/ CN)
P 278
Ginkgo K promotes the phagocytosis of myelin debris by astrocytes via rebalancing tlr4 and abca1 signaling pathways
Xiao Hui Li (Jinzhong/ CN)
P 279
Role of family meetings in assessing care-giver burden in neurodegenerative conditions in urban India
Poonam Bajaj (Mumbai/ IN)
P 280
The relationship between periodontal disease and dementia – A systematic review
Normaliza Ab Malik (Edinburgh/ GB; Kuala Lumpur/ MY)
P 281
Delicate technologies of rehabilitation for FRAILTY-syndrome patients with dementia
Ekaterina Vyazgina (St. Petersburg/ RU)
P 282
Effect of cognitive decline on gait speed in older people
Iva Hereitova (Pilsen/ CZ; Olomouc/ CZ)
P 283
Differences in lumbar spine degeneration between patients with and without chronic viral hepatitis
Gyu seong Kim (Seoul/ KR)
P 284
Development of Alzheimer's disease in patients with late-life depression
Young Kyung Moon (Seoul/ KR)
P 301
A multilingual brain does not consist of only one language: Is the multilingualism of the brain ignored in research on aphasia and speech therapy combined with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)?
Harun Kocatas (Bielefeld/ DE)
P 311
Assessment of swallowing in progressive supranuclear palsy – an Indian cross-sectional study
Madhusree Sengupta (Kolkata/ IN)
P 468
Gamma Frequency Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Improves Cognitive Function in Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Multiple Baseline Design Study
Artemis Traikapi (Limassol/ CY)
P 498
Validity and Reliability of the Portuguese Translation of the Scale for Assessment and Rating Ataxia
Martins Elisabete (Cascais/ PT)
P 558
Virtual- and augmented reality- assisted screening for early detection of cognitive impairments in elderly
Monica Christova (Graz/ AT)
P 568
Development of the web-based PRIDE self-management app
Abigail Lee (Nottingham/ GB)
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