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WCNR 2022
Posters on the topic "Multiple sclerosis"
P 181
MuSic Moves – Co-creating a music-supported exercise programme with and for people with multiple sclerosis
Bernhard Fasching (Vienna/ AT)
P 182
Urodynamic evaluation of lower urinary tract symptoms in multiple sclerosis patients: Prevalence of detrusor sphincter dyssynergia
Sara Hadir (Casablanca/ MA)
P 184
The Brief ICF core set for Multiple Sclerosis in evaluation of functions and activities in participants refereed to evaluate work capacity
Daiva Valadkevičienė (Vilnius/ LT)
P 185
New virtual reality software implementing principles of neurophysiological rehabilitation improves the upper limb function in people with Multiple Sclerosis
Barbora Miznerova (Prague/ CZ)
P 186
The Use of Machine Learning to Predict and Diagnosis Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review
Amanda Cyntia Lima Fonseca Rodrigues (Curitiba/ BR)
P 187
Activity and efficacy of radial shock wave therapy in reducing spasticity in people with Multiple Sclerosis
Claudio Marcello Solaro (Moncrivello/ IT)
P 188
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome as a relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis comorbidity
Shadi Zamanian (Mashhad/ IR)
P 189
Die Auswirkungen von Rumpfstabilitätstraining auf das Gleichgewicht bei Patient*innen mit Multipler Sklerose
Ines Hochreiter (Klagenfurt/ AT)
P 190
Focal muscle vibration prototype during walking Gait Cycle: feasibility and single-case experimental design in patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Alba Prats Bisbe (Badalona/ ES)
P 191
Urodynamics in patients with multiple sclerosis
Damiani Tsiamasfirou (Athens/ GR)
P 192
Whole body cryotherapy (WBC) as a new tool in neurorehabilitation multiple sclerosis patients in Poland
Elzbieta Miller (Lodz/ PL)
P 193
Functional tests for evaluation of nanotechnology Taopatch neurorehabilitation efficiency in patients with Multiple sclerosis
Dimitar Maslarov (Sofia/ BG)
P 194
Telerehabilitation for persons with multiple sclerosis
Anna Belenciuc (Chisinau/ MD)
P 195
Anorectal dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: Severity and functional impact
Sara Hadir (Casablanca/ MA)
P 196
An Unusual Clinical Presentation of Multiple Sclerosis and Benefits of Individually-Designed Rehabilitation: A case report
Dimitar Maslarov (Sofia/ BG)
P 197
Rehabilitation of multiple sclerosis patients in the Republic of Moldova
Anna Belenciuc (Chisinau/ MD)
P 198
Pseudotumoral multiple sclerosis – A diagnostic challenge
Georgiana Frunza (Cluj-Napoca/ RO)
P 277
A bibliometric study on the application of grape seed proanthocyanidins in neurological diseases
Shu Wen Yuan (Jinzhong/ CN)
Yi Wei Dong (Jinzhong/ CN)
Xiao Hui Li (Jinzhong/ CN)
Qing Wang (Jinzhong/ CN)
P 278
Ginkgo K promotes the phagocytosis of myelin debris by astrocytes via rebalancing tlr4 and abca1 signaling pathways
Xiao Hui Li (Jinzhong/ CN)
P 285
Psychometric properties of the croatian version of the king's health questionnaire in multiple sclerosis patients
Anamarija Soldo Koruga (Osijek/ HR)
P 497
Influence of MS-fatigue questionnaire choice for identifying responders to treatment
Florian Wolf (Bonn/ DE)
P 504
Influence of cognition and fatigue on the correlation between objective and subjective upper limb measure in people with multiple sclerosis
Claudio Marcello Solaro (Moncrivello/ IT)
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