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WCNR 2022
Posters on the topic "Telerehabilitation and digital tools"
P 004
Telehealth coaching to improve self-management for secondary prevention after stroke: A randomized controlled trial of Stroke Coach
Brodie Sakakibara (Kelowna/ CA)
P 008
Exploring the perceived impact of Stroke Coach on risk factor control among stroke survivors
Gurkaran Singh (Vancouver/ CA; Kelowna/ CA)
P 034
The effect of a telephone-based intervention on physical activity after stroke
Seungwoo Cha (Seongnam/ KR)
P 035
Stroke survivors' and physiotherapists' opinions and perceptions about the potential of a wearable system designed to facilitate motivation for home exercise
Roland Stock (Trondheim/ NO)
P 067
Exploring Transitional Care Experiences of Stroke Survivors from Hospital to Community Settings
Michelle Yang (Vancouver/ CA; Kelowna/ CA)
P 092
Feasibility of real-time telerehabilitation program on motor outcomes in community-living stroke survivors in rural South India
Amreen Mahmood (Manchester/ GB)
P 100
Post Stroke Spasticity – An App for Self-Monitoring by Affected Patients
Friedemann Müller (Bad Aibling/ DE)
P 123
Single centre, prospective, observational study methodology to assess the use of GripAble, a rehabilitation device, on patients with upper limb spasticity (ULS) receiving botulinum toxin A (BoNT-A)
Vadim Degtiar (Slough/ GB)
P 173
The effects of Telerehabilitation-Based LSVT-BIG versus Telerehabilitation-Based Structured Balance and Mobility Exercise Programme on Functional Recovery in Patients with Parkinson's Disease
Burcu Ersoz Huseyinsinoglu (Istanbul/ TR)
P 230
Stroke survivor's feedback preferences from wearable sensors
Marika Demers (Los Angeles, CA/ US)
P 268
mHealth-AD – Training Program for Enhancing the Adoption of Mobile Health Technologies by Persons With Mild Dementia
Svenja Blömeke (Bad Aibling/ DE)
P 270
Promoting Independence in Dementia: A RE-AIM Study of the PRIDE Self-Management App
Abigail Lee (Nottingham/ GB)
P 276
Understanding barriers and facilitators to online and app activities for people living with dementia
Abigail Lee (Nottingham/ GB)
P 303
Enhancing Language Skills in Persons with Aphasia with the ELA
-Language Modules
Jacqueline Stark (Vienna/ AT)
P 305
Feasibility, Acceptability and Usability of Virtual Biography Work for People with Aphasia
Bianca Spelter (Göttingen/ DE)
P 338
Video gaming for home-based rehabilitation: feasibility for children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy living in Costa Rica
Daniela Chan-Viquez (Toronto/ CA)
Heilyn Fernandez-Huertas (San Jose/ CR)
P 469
The Adaptive Cognitive Evaluation (ACE-X) – A tablet video game for the screening of executive deficits after stroke
Elia Luca Fischer (Bern/ CH; Lausanne/ CH)
P 567
Practice patterns in self-managed speech-language therapy: Investigating components of cumulative intervention intensity in a real-world mHealth dataset
Claire Cordella (Boston, MA/ US)
P 568
Development of the web-based PRIDE self-management app
Abigail Lee (Nottingham/ GB)
P 569
Implementation of digital health interventions in rehabilitation: A scoping review
Louise Pearce (Sydney/ AU)
P 570
Telehealth neurologic music therapy effects motor rehabilitation in children with autism: A pilot feasibility study
Nicole Richard (Nashville, TN/ US; Toronto/ CA)
Jessica Teich (Toronto/ CA)
Julia Kowaleski (Toronto/ CA)
P 571
The development and test of a novel occupational eMental health intervention in the workplace: The EMPOWER project
Matilde Leonardi (Milan/ IT)
P 572
Is everybody suitable for telerehabilitation? An assessment
Lukas Wohofsky (Klagenfurt/ AT)
P 573
Clinical efficacy of Cognitive Stimulation in aged subjects with mild and moderate cognitive impairment
Loris Pignolo (Crotone/ IT)
P 574
mHealth for rural communities in an upper middle-income country
Intan Sabrina (Selangor/ MY; Kuala Lumpur/ MY)
P 575
Keeping the Person at the Centre of a Virtual World: Transformation of Community Brain Injury Rehabilitation
Alison Keys (Holywood/ GB)
P 577
Validation of Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination – III for Administration Via Telehealth
Hannah Gullo (Brisbane/ AU)
P 578
Chances, Limitations, and Provision of Additional Teletherapeutic Interventions and Apps in Chronic Neurological Conditions
Wilfried Schupp (Fürth/ DE)
P 579
Human centered design for a flexible, multi-professional telerehabilitation system: Results from an initial real-life evaluation within the project REHA2030
Daniela Krainer (Klagenfurt/ AT)
P 580
"VIDSONS" – Videolessons. An interdisciplinary project between nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy to create digital teaching and learning content for treating patients with neurological diseases
Manuela Tschinkel (Klagenfurt/ AT)
Martin Schusser (Klagenfurt/ AT)
Karoline Schilcher (Klagenfurt/ AT)
P 581
Tablet-based cognitive neurorehabilitation in the outpatient care of patients after brain injury
Philipp Schoellauf (Vienna/ AT)
P 582
Saving carbon emissions via tele-rehabilitation – The green solution
Intan Sabrina (Selangor/ MY)
P 583
Wearable assistive devices for people with disabilities
Intan Sabrina (Selangor/ MY; Kuala Lumpur/ MY)
P 584
Telemedicine guidelines in South East Asia – what can we do better?
Intan Sabrina (Selangor/ MY; Kuala Lumpur/ MY)
P 585
Telerehabilitation for individuals with central nervous system disorders: a process evaluation of blended care
Simone Sep (Hoensbroek/ NL; Maastricht/ NL)
P 586
A Survey on the Acceptance of Stroke Telerehabilitation Among Rehabilitation Providers and Consumers at St. Luke's Medical Center – Global City and Quezon City
Francis Exequiel Laxamana (Quezon City/ PH)
P 587
Telemedicine system ScolView has been developed to identify three-dimensional models of the back surface in patients with scoliosis using photogrammetry. It calculates the parameters of spinal deformity in three planes. ScolView is designed for independent use by parents using a smartphone camera
Sergey Muravev (Perm/ RU)
P 588
Telerehabilitation for impaired functional mobility and balance secondary to COVID-19-induced vestibular dysfunction: A case report and literature review
Beatrice Milrose Rey - Matias (Quezon City/ PH)
P 589
Impact of Virtual Reality on Typically Aging Adults: Implications for a Pilot Study in Semantic Feature Analysis
Jennine Northrop (Normal, IL/ US)
Megan Cuellar (Normal, IL/ US)
P 590
The experience of Tele neurorehabilitation in COVID-19 pandemic, Inputs from Physiatrists of an Indian Neurorehabilitation desk
Madhusree Sengupta (Kolkata/ IN)
P 591
Equivalence, modality use and patient satisfaction of Telepractice Administration of the Scenario-Test in Persons with Primary Progressive Aphasia
Mirjam Gauch (Mainz/ DE)
P 606
PhiCube, a modular robotic device for bilateral upper-limb rehabilitation, featuring flexible use and tailored assistance for various therapeutical motor gestures
Matteo Malosio (Lecco/ IT)
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