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WCNR 2022
Posters on the topic "Brain computer interfaces"
P 444
Optimization of Electric field by cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation using an in-silico human brain model-A preliminary study
Hyungtaek Kim (Seoul/ KR)
Donghyeon Kim (Seoul/ KR)
P 601
Neurophysiological and gait modifications before and after exoskeleton training
Alessandra Del Felice (Padova/ IT)
P 614
The Effect of Home-Based Computerized Gaming Program on Cognition in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment
Sung-Hwa Ko (Mulgeum-eup/ KR)
P 615
Decoding multiple naturalistic same-hand movements from the non-invasive neuromagnetic (MEG) measurements
Ivan Zubarev (Espoo/ FI)
P 616
Feasibility and practicality of whole-arm brain/neural exoskeleton-enabled stroke neurorehabilitation
Annalisa Colucci (Berlin/ DE)
P 617
Assessing the impact of assistive hand exoskeletons on bimanual tasks in severe stroke with the Berlin Bimanual Test for Stroke (BeBiTS)
Mareike Vermehren (Berlin/ DE)
P 618
Functional electrical stimulation with assistive support driven by a Brain-Computer Interface on the upper limb rehabilitation of chronic stroke patients: preliminary single-center experience
Jakob Stolz (Vipiteno/ IT)
P 619
Brain-computer interface training in individuals after stroke: A systematic review
Christian Forstinger (Steyr/ AT)
P 620
Closed-Loop Brain-Computer Interface Training for Hemiparetic Upper Extremities in Patients with Chronic Stroke: A Randomized control study
Pablo Cruz (Hong Kong/ HK)
p 663
Effect of brain computer interface based action observation combined with peripheral electrical stimulation for inducing corticospinal plasticity in healthy and stroke patients
Youn Joo Kang (Seoul/ KR)
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