Materials science

MS 7
Ceramics and composites


Location / Stream:
spectrum A

Session chairs


This session provides a forum to present and discuss recent research and development activities on amorphous as well as crystalline matter. The session will cover the wide field of microstructure-based development of materials, covering aspects of basic materials research and detailed material characterization, in particular, via electron microscopy and correlated techniques. World experts are encouraged to present their recent research activities on ceramics and composites, aiming to stimulate interesting interdisciplinary discussions and lasting collaborations. The anticipated topics include novel glass-based materials and glass-ceramics for various applications, nanomaterials utilized in photovoltaics, electroceramics, or multiferroics as well as ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) for the use in extreme environments. Advances in understanding structure-property-processing correlations as well as performance of such materials, giving the possibility to tailor and control material properties via microstructural modification, are the main focus of this session.


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