  • ePoster
  • P36

Headache in intracranial arachnoid cysts: implications for management


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Headache in intracranial arachnoid cysts: implications for management


  • Neuroimigang in headache disorders
  • Secondary headaches


John Carbone (Nedlands/ AU)


Abstract text (incl. figure legends and references)

With a prevalence of 1.4%, intracranial arachnoid cysts are a frequent incidental finding on MRI
and CT. Whilst most cysts are benign in the long term, clinical practice and imaging frequency
does not necessarily reflect this. Is headache a useful symptom in stratification of this pathology?

A literature review was conducted searching the Medline database with MESH terms. This
literature was condensed into an article, edited by a consultant Neurosurgeon. This was further
condensed, presented to the Neurosurgery department at Princess Alexandra Hospital for final
feedback and editing.

Headache remains a non specific symptom in relation to cysts, however case reports do exist of post traumatic bleed and spontaneous cyst growth. The
minority of symptomatic patients or those with cysts in sensitive areas may require referral to a neurosurgeon for clinical follow up, imaging or intervention. This review outlines a treatment algorithm to guide clinicians.

Greater than 94% of patients are asymptomatic, practitioners can be confident in reassuring
patients of the benign nature of a potentially worrying finding. Headaches should be thoroughly explored and cysts in atypical locations or with atypical features may benefit from surgical intervention.

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