  • Abstract lecture
  • A41

Do novel European Headache Federation criteria identify differences in migraine burden? Baseline data of an international real-life study on resistant and refractory migraine (REFINE).


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Strauss 1


Abstracts clinical


  • Guidelines in headache
  • Migraine


Valeria Caponnetto (L'Aquila/ IT), Raffaele Ornello (L'Aquila/ IT), Chiara Rosignoli (L'Aquila/ IT), Nicola De Santis (L'Aquila/ IT), Dilan Bayar (Mersin/ TR), Mark Braschinsky (Tartu/ EE), Marta Carnovali (Unna/ DE), Martino Gentile (Bari/ IT), Raquel Gil-Gouveia (Lisbon/ PT), Gianmarco Iaccarino (Rome/ IT), Alo-Rainer Leheste (Tartu/ EE), Paolo Martelletti (Rome/ IT), Camilla Mazzanti (Rome/ IT), Albert Muñoz-Vendrell (Barcelona/ ES), Renato Oliveira (Lisbon/ PT), Anyur Ozge (Mersin/ TR), Isabel Pavão Martins (Lisbon/ PT), Patricia Pozo-Rosich (Barcelona/ ES), Maria Pia Prudenzano (Bari/ IT), Kristina Ryliskiene (Vilnius/ LT), Margarita Sanchez del Rio (Madrid/ ES), Jurgita Vainauskienė (Vilnius/ LT), Fabrizio Vernieri (Rome/ IT), Zaza Katsarava (Unna/ DE), Simona Sacco (L'Aquila/ IT)


Abstract text (incl. figure legends and references)

Question. We evaluated if EHF criteria for resistant (RES) and refractory (REF) migraine identify patients with more severe migraine burden.

Methods. We performed an observational, multi center, international study to compare baseline characteristics, comorbidities, and PROMs of non-resistant and non-refractory (NRNR) migraine, RES and REF individuals in the REFINE study.

Results. We included 175 individuals with NRNR migraine, 133 (39.7%) with RES and 27 (8.0%) with REF. Individuals with RES and REF migraine as compared to those with NRNR reported higher monthly migraine days (median=8, IQR=5-14 vs. median=13, IQR=10-17 and median=15, IQR=10-20; p≤0.001), months of chronification (median=24, IQR=12-72 vs. median=40, IQR=12-108 and median=60, IQR=18-96; p=0.044), monthly days of symptomatic drugs assumption (median=8, IQR=5-15 vs. median=12, IQR=9-20 and median=15, IQR=10-20; p≤0.001), medication overuse (19.4% vs. 45.9% and 40.7%; p≤0.001). They also had more comorbidities such as depression (18.3% vs. 31.1% and 44.4%; p=0.002) and anxiety (13.7% vs. 21.1% and 37%; p=0.009). In these groups, PROMs also revealed a higher presence of anxiety (p≤0.001) and depression (p≤0.001) symptoms and poorer sleep quality (p=0.006). Regarding specific perceptions about migraine, RES and REF individuals reported higher impact of migraine on daily life (p≤0.001) and work, household work, and social life (p≤0.001), along with a lower perception of the effectiveness of their ongoing treatment for migraine (p≤0.001), when compared to NRNR subjects (Table 1).

Conclusion. RES and REF migraine is associated with relevant migraine burden considering migraine features, comorbidities and scores at several scales; the severe burdensome condition of RES and REF is confirmed by the median number of monthly migraine days and PROMs.

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