  • ePoster
  • P176

Personalized Low-Glycemic Nutrition for the Prophylaxis of Migraine: Real World Data from two Prospective Studies using a Digital Therapeutic


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Personalized Low-Glycemic Nutrition for the Prophylaxis of Migraine: Real World Data from two Prospective Studies using a Digital Therapeutic


  • Data science in research and digital medicine
  • Migraine


Torsten Schroeder (Luebeck/ DE), Vivian Lelleck (Luebeck/ DE), Christian Sina (Luebeck/ DE), Franziska Schulz (Luebeck/ DE), Gianna Kuehn (Luebeck/ DE), Stefan Evers (Muenster/ DE), Oliver Witt (Luebeck/ DE), Charly Gaul (Frankfurt/ DE), Diamant Thaci (Luebeck/ DE), Dominik Klein (Luebeck/ DE), Astrid Gendolla (Essen/ DE)


Abstract text (incl. figure legends and references)


Migraine is a headache disorder associated with a high socioeconomic burden. We developed a digital therapeutic that provides an individualized low-glycemic diet based on continuous glucose measurement. We aimed to find out if this digital therapeutic can serve as a non-pharmacological migraine prophylaxis.


We have performed two prospective studies with migraine patients who used our digital therapeutic over a period of 16 weeks. The patients used a headache diary and recorded their migraine-related daily life impairment using the assessment tools HIT-6 and MIDAS for a pre versus post comparison. In addition, continuous glucose data of patients were compared to healthy controls.


In both studies, patients reported a reduction of headache and migraine days as well as reductions in HIT-6 and MIDAS scores. More specifically, migraine days decreased by 2.40 days (95 % CI [-3.37; -1.42]), HIT-6 improved by 3.17 points (95 % CI [-4.63; -1.70]) and MIDAS by 13.45 points (95 % CI [-22.01; -4.89]). Glucose data suggest that migraine patients have slightly increased mean glucose values as compared to healthy controls but drop into a glucose range that is below one"s individual standard range before a migraine attack.


In conclusion, our digital therapeutic is a non-pharmacological migraine prophylaxis that induces a therapeutic effect within the range of pharmacological interventions.

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