  • ePoster
  • P157

Disconnectome of the Migraine Brain: A Model of Migraine as "Connectopathy"


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Disconnectome of the Migraine Brain: A Model of Migraine as "Connectopathy"


  • Migraine
  • Neuroimigang in headache disorders


Antonio Russo (Naples/ IT), Marcello Silvestro (Naples/ IT), Mario Cirillo (Naples/ IT), Fabrizio Esposito (Naples/ IT), Alessandro Tessitore (Naples/ IT), Gioacchino Tedeschi (Naples/ IT)


Abstract text (incl. figure legends and references)


Structural brain connectome, characterized by higher stability and reproducibility, have not been investigated in migraine by means of graph analysis approach. We hypothesize a rearrangement of the brain connectome with an increase of both strength and density of connections between cortical areas involved in pain perception, processing and modulation in migraine patients. The connectome rearrangement, misbalancing competing parameters of network efficiency and segregation, may underpin the energetically dysfunctional migraine brain.


We investigated, using diffusion-weighted MRI imaging tractography-based graph analysis, the graph-topological indices of the brain "connectome", a set of grey matter regions (nodes) structurally connected by white matter paths (edges) in 94 patients with migraine without aura (MwoA) compared to 91 healthy controls (HC).


We observed in MwoA patients compared to HC: i) higher local and global network efficiency (p < 0.001) and ii) higher local and global clustering coefficient (p < 0.001). Moreover, we found changes in the hubs topology in MwoA patients with: i) posterior cingulate cortex and inferior parietal lobule (encompassing the so-called neurolimbic-pain network) assuming the hub role and ii) fronto-orbital cortex, involved in emotional aspects, and visual areas, involved in migraine pathophysiology, losing the hub role. Finally, we found higher connection (edges) probability between cortical nodes involved in pain processing as well as in cognitive and affective attribution of pain experiences, in migraine patients when compared to healthy controls (p < 0.001). No correlations were found between imaging and clinical parameters of disease severity.


The imbalance between the need of investing resources to promote network efficiency and the need of minimizing the metabolic cost of wiring probably represents the mechanism underlying migraine patients" susceptibility to triggers.

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