
  • P31

The features of the course of traumatic brain disease in persons with combat traumatic brain injury

Presented in

Poster session 3

Poster topics


Inna Chernenko (Kharkiv/ UA)


Abstract text (incl. figure legends and references)

This article is devoted to the problem of survival and prognosis of treatment outcomes of patients with traumatic brain injury who have sustained craniocerebral trauma according to changes in neurospecificity protein (S100β) levels during the acute period of trauma. An analysis of the course and results of treatment of patients who had sustained severe craniocerebral trauma was carried out. Patients underwent routine biochemical examinations, neuroimaging studies and protein (S100β) levels examination in the acute period of trauma. On the basis of the data obtained, it was found that the level of neurospecificity protein S100β in the blood serum takes a great role in predicting the course and outcome of the disease. Objective: to elucidate the relationship between changes in the level of neurospecific protein (S100β) in the acute period of injury, data from neuroimaging methods (CT and / or MRI) of the study, the course and results of treatment and consequences of traumatic brain injury in combat zone Environmental protection in the East of Ukraine on the basis of the analysis of retrospective research (injury follow-up was 1 year, 3 years, 5 years). Materials and methods of research. 250 participants of hostilities and invalids, after the received craniocerebral trauma in the zone of carrying out anti-terrorist operation, on the basis of neurological department of Regional hospital of war veterans were observed. Patients were divided into groups depending on the severity of the injury (mild, moderate and severe), treatment in the acute period, the course and outcome of the disease. Observations have been conducted since 2015. by 2021, the follow-up was 1 year, 3 years, 5 years. Conclusions. Based on the data we conducted on the basis of the Hospital retrospective analysis of medical documents of the military who received severe trauma in the area of anti-terrorist operation, we can say that the level of neuronspecific protein S100β in serum plays an important role in predicting the course and outcome of the disease.

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