Integrated emergency, critical and operative care (ECO) services are key to a comprehensive primary health care approach and essential to ensure that the health needs of people are met across the life course without undue delay.
The World Health Assembly has stressed the importance of integrated ECO in resolutions 68.15 (2015) “Strengthening emergency and essential surgical care and anaesthesia as a component of universal health coverage”, 72.16 (2019) “Emergency care systems for universal health coverage: ensuring timely care for the acutely ill and injured”, and 76.2 (2023) “Integrated emergency, critical and operative care for universal health coverage and protection from health emergencies” (“the ECO resolution”).
Over the next year, WHO will be conducting a series of consultations with partners and Member States to gather input on key actions to implement the ECO resolution.
At the ECTES conference, WHO is inviting all conference participants to a large group discussion and real-time polling on possible ECO actions for countries Monday, 29 April, from 10:30-12:00 in the Auditorium (Room 1).