Eveline de Haan (Rotterdam / NL), Veronique Rijckevorsel (Rotterdam / NL), Pepijn Bod (Rotterdam / NL), Georg Schmidt (Rotterdam / NL), Louis de Jong (Rotterdam / NL)
Abstract text (incl. references and figure legends)
Introduction The recently introduced Femoral Neck System (FNS)(DePuy Synthes, Zuchwil, Switzerland) is developed for dynamic fixation with rotational stability of a fracture of the femoral neck. Question is what clinical outcomes of FNS placement in a large patient cohort after 6months of follow-up are.
Methods For this cohort study data was extracted from a prospective hip fracture database. Patients receiving an FNS in a level II trauma teaching hospital between 1 January 2018 and 13 May 2021 were included. Follow-up duration was at least 6months.
Results A total of n=81 patients were included, with a median age of 67years with a female gender in n=45(56%) and had most frequently an ASA-score of 1 or 2 (n=52(61%)). The FNFs were non-displaced fractures in n=61 patients (75%) and in n=9 patient (11%) Pauwels type I, in n=42(52%) type II and in n=30(37%) type III. Time to surgery was 17hours(IQR 10–21) and surgery time was 34minutes(IQR 28–41). In n=6(7%) patients avascular necrosis of the femoral head was diagnosed after six months of follow-up. No significant baseline differences were found between patients who developed AVN and patients without this complication.
Conclusion Early results appear to show that the FNS can be a safe alternative for dynamic osteosynthesis with rotational stability of a FNF.
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