Aitor Landaluce-Olavarria (Urduliz / ES), Julio Zevallos-Quiroz (Urduliz / ES), Aitor Sainz-Lete (Urduliz / ES), Jaime Gonzalez-Taranco (Urduliz / ES), Izaskun Markinez-Gordobil (Urduliz / ES), Manolo Leon-Valarezo (Urduliz / ES), Ane Emaldi-Abasolo (Urduliz / ES), Begoña Estraviz-Mateos (Urduliz / ES)
Abstract text (incl. references and figure legends)
Introduction. Chronic wound infections of less tan 10 centimeters of diameter with purulent or serohematic continuos debit but less than 50 centimeter debit per day can be a challenge for a fast control of infection focus. Our everyday infection control of these wound infections is a prolonged time-consuming treatment during 2-3 months with a high cost, a high resources consumption and sometimes a delay in posterior treatment of these patients Matherial and methods. Main indication of portátil vaccum system was a continuos debit with almost 3 weeks of conventional cure without a better outcome ( 80% of patients).All were classified as American Society of anesthesiologist(ASA) II. 60 % of them suffered from abdominal Wall surgery: 20 % with a purulent continuos debit during 2 months in an eventroplasty in an incisional hernia in middle line, 20% eventroplasty in left subcostal incisional hernia with recurrence Wall abscess and without any response to several drainages and antibiotic treatments and 20 % due to continuos serohematic debit during 3 weeks in a eventroplasty in an incisional middle line hernia . 20 % was an early protective ileostomy closure of a patient suffered from rectal cáncer with a purulent continuos debit of 3 weeks and waiting for chemotheraphy after surgery and 20 % was a continuos debit in pfanestiel incisión in rectal cáncer waiting the chemotherapy treatment after surgery. Results. The average of number of changes was 3.4(2-6) although we have a short serie and in a patient the number of changes was 6, modifing actively change average. All patients were followed up during 2 months and in in 60% of them, a control ultrasonography of abdominal Wall was performed to check it. No problem was documented after the end of treatment. Conclusions.The use of a portátil vaccum system in wound infection without a control of it, not only reduces evidently control infection time but also decreases high sanitary cost.
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