Abstract text (incl. references and figure legends)
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Case 1; 61 year old male injured open lateral condyle fracture of femur by to be bitten by a pig. After 5 months from initial debridement, I confirmed the size of bone defect was 3cm(2) X 3cm in depth. The same size of bone was harvested from iliac crest and transplanted in the bone defect area of lateral condyle of the femur. After seven months from bone transplantation, I confirmed bone union and two 6.5 mm diameter osteochondral grafts and 4.5 mm diameter osteochondral graft were transplanted for the chondral defect lesion. Case 2; seventy year old male injured open lateral condyle fracture of femur by traffic accident. After 3 months from first debridement, I confirmed the bone defect ( size 7cm(2) X 3cm in depth ) and the same size of bone was harvested from iliac crest and transplanted in the bone defect area. And simultaneously two 10 mm diameter osteochondral grafts were transplanted for the chondral defect lesion. Case 3; 37 year old male injured open lateral condyle fracture of femur by traffic accident. I confirmed the size of bone defect was 6cm(2) X 3cm in depth. The same size of bone was harvested from iliac crest and transplanted in the bone defect area of lateral condyle of the femur. After one month from bone transplantation, he had undergone ACI.
RESULTS: In all cases, Lysholm knee scoring scale was good. Average follow-up period was two years and one month. Average flexion angle of knee was 147 degrees.
CONCLUSION: Combination of bone transplantation and OAT or ACI is useful strategy for the large traumatic osteochondral defects of the knee joint.
Tegner Y., Lysholm J., Clin Orthop Relat Res., 198, 43-108, 1985
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