Luming Lin (Munich / DE), Konstantinos Hatzikotoulas (Neuherberg / DE), Georgia Katsoula (Neuherberg / DE; Munich / DE), Dr. Olga Baranov (Munich / DE), Lisa Rogers (Munich / DE), Prof. Dr. Jayne Sutherland (Fajara / GM), Dr. Nyanda Elias Ntinginya (Mbeya / TZ), Dr. Celso Khosa (Marracuene / MZ), Dr. Mohammed Rassool (Johannesburg / ZA), Prof. Dr. Gavin Churchyard (Johannesburg / ZA; Nashville, TN / US), Prof. Dr. Michael Hoelscher (Munich / DE), Dr. Christof Geldmacher (Munich / DE), Eleftheria Zeggini (Neuherberg / DE; Munich / DE), PD Dr. Andrea Rachow (Munich / DE), Dr. Kathrin Held (Munich / DE)
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