Jana Hey (Hamburg / DE), Sreejith Rajasekharan (Hamburg / DE), Prof Raphael Rakotozandrindrainy (Antananarivo / MG), Anjarasoa Ravo Razafindrakoto (Antananarivo / MG), Nantenaina Matthieu Razafindralava (Antananarivo / MG), Zaraniaina Tahiry Rasolojaona (Antananarivo / MG), Dr. Tahinamandranto Rasamoelina (Antananarivo / MG), Jacques Hainasoa (Fianarantsoa / MG), Prof. Dr. Rivo Andry Rakotoarivelo (Fianarantsoa / MG), Christa Ehmen (Hamburg / DE), Christina Deschermeier (Hamburg / DE), Prof. Dr. Jürgen May (Hamburg / DE), Lidia Bosurgi (Hamburg / DE), Pietro Scaturro (Hamburg / DE), Dr. Daniela Fusco (Hamburg / DE)
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