
  • P-15-5
  • Poster

Disaster preparedness in blood supply and transfusion – Survey in Germany

Presented in


Poster topics


Birgit Gathof (Köln / DE)


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Kein Interessenskonflikt


Preparedness for catastrophes and disaster is part of transfusion medicine since many years in Germany. In the past decades computer breakdowns, mass casualties, flood, and recently pandemia were the issues. Due to political developments in the past 2 years the ancient quotation "si vis pacem para bellum", "if you desire peace, prepare for war" has become a benchmark discussed in media. Governments encourage experts to update preparedness for any issue.


In a pilot survey development of disaster preparedness within the last 2 years will be evaluated with respect blood donation, manufacturing, testing, issuing, transport and transfusion. Also, use of the "Model preparedness plan of EDQM", issued in 2022 will be a topic. If the pilot survey is successful, all blood centers in Germany will be asked to participate.


The results of the pilot survey will be reported and discussed in the context of the international literature.


This survey will provide additional support for setting scientific standards for disaster preparedness, which could then become part of the national guidelines in the context of the European SoHO regulations.

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