Tumour – Meningiomas
A semantic feature score for preoperative prediction of WHO grade and tumour aggressiveness in intracranial meningeoma
A novel fluorescent diagnostic probe as a potential Point-of-Care diagnostic tool to estimate recurrence risk of meningiomas
Clinical characteristics of radiation induced meningiomas – A single-center study
Olfactory function in the long-term course after endoscope assisted transcranial resection of olfactory groove meningiomas – A monocentric study
Visual deterioration secondary to medial sphenoid wing meningioma: Systematic assessment of patient-reported outcomes and factors contributing to recovery after surgical treatment
Treatment costs in patients with cranial meningioma: A meta-analysis
The migratory and invasive behaviour of malignant meningioma cells depends on glucose concentration and glycation
SAM-Score: A novel approach to predict tumor recurrence of sporadic cranial WHO grade 1 meningioma
The proteasome inhibitor marizomib shows antiproliferative effects in all three grades of meningioma
Quantification of diverse immune cell subsets in primary meningiomas
Predicting postoperative resection status for meningiomas using machine learning based on clinical features
Prediction of postoperative visual outcome following resection of perichiasmatic meningiomas using real time ICG-angiography
The role of meningioma epigenetics in routine clinical practice
The role of molecular tumor boards in Neuro-Oncology: A nationwide survey
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