Rapid communication – Various 1
Intraindividual hormone receptor heterogeneity in patients with brain metastasis from breast cancer: Gain of Her2 receptor from primary tumor to brain metastasis correlates to worsened survival
Outcome assessment of intraoperative radiotherapy for brain metastases: Results of a prospective observational study with comparative matched-pair analysis
Predictive role of intracranial PD-L1 expression in a real-world cohort of NSCLC patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibition following brain metastasis resection
Systemic and local therapies before and after diagnosis of leptomeningeal disease in patients with brain metastases – An explorative, single-center retrospective cohort study
Modern radiosurgical treatment of patients with more than 10 brain metastases
Perioperative observation of hemorrhagic brain metastases
Middle meningeal artery embolization as an alternative to surgical treatment in chronic subdural hematoma – First results of a prospective matching-study
Longitudinal angiographic characterization of pre-existing cerebral collateralization and neovascularization after combined bypass-surgery in patients with Moyamoya Angiopathy
Vascular risk profile and changes of arterial hypertension after surgical revascularization in adult Moyamoya patients
Predictors of malignant swelling in space-occupying cerebellar infarction
Size of decompressive craniectomy predicts outcome in space-occupying ischemic cerebellar stroke – Results from a multicentric retrospective study
Severity of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage over time: Systematic review
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