Hydrocephalus and Paediatric Neurosurgery – Various
Incidence and management of overdrainage in pediatric hydrocephalus patients with modern gravitational Shunt-Valves
Fetal expression profiles of Erythropoietin (EPO) and its receptor (EPOR) in the neuroplacodes in a retinoic acid-induced myelomeningocele rat model
Skull growth in plagiocephaly patients undergoing helmet therapy
Update on the experiences of the new established multidisciplinary center for laparotomy-assisted fetoscopic 3-layer spina bifida repair: The first 20 cases
Differences in professional and personal lives between German female and male neurosurgeons
Comparative analysis of ProGAV and ProGAV2.0 adjustable valves in pediatric hydrocephalus treatment: Survival and complication rate assessment
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