Spinal – Various 2
Percutaneous endoscopic treatment of thoracic disc herniation: The modified "inside out" technique alone or in combination with the "outside in" maneuver – Technical aspects and clinical results
Risk factors of screw misplacement by using intraoperative computed tomography image-guided navigation: A series of 1471 screws
Radiological evaluation of anatomical feasibility for pedicle screw implantation in the Cranio-cervical junction and middle cervical spine
C1-Ring Osteosynthesis as a safe and effective method for C1 fractures
From abstract to publication in a PubMed-indexed journal: Evaluation of the German Spine Society's (DWG) past annual meetings 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022
Assessing surgical site infection risks in posterior cervical decompression: The role of local fat thickness
Iodophor-impregnated adhesive incision draping reduces the rate of surgical side infection in spine surgery: Study in 2279 patients
Wound healing after intracutaneous vs. staple-assisted skin closure in lumbar, non-instrumented spine surgery: A multicenter prospective randomized trial
Atlantoaxial instability in the era of non-inflammatory degenerative arthrosis: Surgical strategy and clinical outcome in 36 patients
Variability in treatment strategies for spinal infections: A survey of the EANS Spine Section revealing heterogeneous therapeutic approaches
Biomechanical stability after anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion – Risk factors for case subsidence
Spontaneous spinal hematoma: A case series
Effects of the sclerostin antibody romosozumab on the brain in the osteoporotic rat model
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