Rapid communication – Tumour 1
Sex differences in glioma growth – Do microglia or macrophages make the difference?
ElectroGenOmics: Integrated spatially resolved electrophysiology and transcriptomics to explore tumor-host communication in glioblastoma
First-time characterization of high GD2 expression in oligodendroglioma: A pre-requisite for CAR T-Cell immunotherapy
Spezifische ex vivo Expansion von NKG2C+/CD25+ "memory-like" Natürlichen Killerzellen aus peripheren mononukleären Blutzellen zur Immuntherapie des Glioblastoms
Use of biopsy-derived tumor organoids for personalized drug testing in recurrent glioblastoma
The effects of right- versus left-sided T2/FLAIR lesions of the arcuate fasciculus on neurocognitive abilities in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma
Spatially resolved T-cell receptor sequencing (SPTCR-seq) uncovers diversity of anti-tumor immunity
Assessing the prognostic potential of MGMT methylation as the primary variable in a machine learning framework for glioblastoma patients, particularly in a limited dataset
Differentiating glial tumors via confocal laser endomicroscopy
Determinants of long-term survival in patients with IDH-mutant gliomas
Early unplanned readmission in glioblastoma patients: implications for quality of care and treatment costs
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