Longitudinal changes of S100-β concentrations in serum after intracranial aneurysm treatment: A comprehensive study
Philipp Geiger (Innsbruck / AT), Wing Mann Ho (Innsbruck / AT), Stephanie Alice Treichl (Innsbruck / AT), Christian Preuss-Hernandez (Innsbruck / AT), Claudius Thomé (Innsbruck / AT), Ondra Petr (Innsbruck / AT)
An aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a life-threatening cerebrovascular event. Prediction of clinical outcomes remains lacking. Specific biomarkers associated with brain injury, such as S100-β, have emerged as potential candidates for improved prognostic markers.
The study cohort consisted of 100 patients, evenly divided into two groups: one with ruptured intracranial aneurysms and SAH, and the second with unruptured intracranial aneurysms (UIAs) requiring treatment. S100-β concentrations were measured using the Elecsys® S100 assay. Neurological status and all related parameters were prospectively recorded, and patients were followed up for six months using the modified Rankin Scale (mRS).
Significant differences in S100-β concentrations were observed at several time points with higher values in SAH patients before and during treatment. Peak concentrations were reached 6 hours after treatment in SAH patients and day 1 after treatment in UIA-patients. S100-β levels declined more rapidly in UIA-patients, returning to normal range within one day after reaching the peak. Elevated S100-β values were significantly associated with an unfavorable neurological outcome at discharge (mRS 3-6) as well as with the occurrence of delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) in SAH patients (P=0.017).
The dynamic changes in S100-β concentrations seem to reflect sundry pathophysiological processes in SAH patients and also in electively treated patients. S100-β levels were significantly associated with clinical outcomes and the development of delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) in SAH patients. The potential of this prognostic biomarker may be beneficial in a daily clinical practice.
S100-β appears to have a potential as a prognostic biomarker in patients following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. It could be supportive of predicting a neurological outcomes and monitoring disease progression in SAH patients, and thus enabling personalized treatment strategies and improved patient care.
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