• Abstractvortrag | Abstract talk
  • V063

Closed-Loop epidurale Rückenmarkstimulation zur Behandlung chronischen Schmerzes bei Raynaud Phänomen. Eine prospektive, monozentrische Pilotstudie.

Closed-loop spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of chronic pain associated with Raynaud's Phenomenon. A prospective, single-center pilot study


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Location / Stream:
Gleis 2


  • Funktionelle Neurochirurgie und Schmerz


Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) is an episodic vasospasm of the peripheral arteries that causes cyanosis, erythema, pain, paraesthesia"s, and sometimes ulceration of the fingers and/or toes. There are few reports, mostly case series, on the benefits of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) for the treatment of RP. However, there is a lack of objective evidence on SCS induced modulation of the sympathetic system (e.g., vasodilation) in this condition.

This is a prospective, single-centre pilot study to evaluate the efficacy of ECAP-controlled closed-loop SCS (Evoke® SmartSCS, Saluda Medical, Australia) in the treatment of RP. Patient outcomes such as Raynaud Severity/Condition Score, Cochin Hand Function Scale, SHAQ RP VAS, EQ-5D-5L, PGIC, stimulation parameters, and objective peripheral blood flow assessments and neurophysiological measurements were collected at baseline, trial end, 1-month, 3-months, and 6-months.

The mean age ± standard deviation (±SD) patients is 45.5±15.5 years (n=10), and 80% are female.

The mean baseline (±SEM; n=9) weekly attack frequency was 21.8±5.9 and decreased to 12.6±4.6 6-months after implantation (n=8; Figure 2A). The mean baseline (±SEM; n=9) severity of attacks was 6.7±0.4 which decreased to 3.3±0.6 6-months after implantation (n=8; Figure 2A). The mean baseline (±SEM; n=9) Raynaud's condition score was 6.6±0.7 and decreased to 2.6±0.7 6-months after implantation (n=8; Figure 2A).

The mean baseline (±SEM; n=9) cochin hand function scale score was 31.6±8.2 and decreased to 17.4±7.7 6-months after implantation (n=8; Figure 2B). The mean patient global impression of change score at 6-months after implantation was 2.3±0.4 (±SEM; n=8; Figure 2C).

In conclusion, ECAP-controlled closed-loop-SCS alleviates RP symptoms and improves peripheral blood flow.